twenty five - a thousand sunsets

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song - Please Notice by Christian Leave

~"Cause I notice when you get mad
You close your eyes
And I notice when you are sad, you let out sighs
I need to know are those sighs ever over me?"~

There was something that set her apart from the rest. She had crashed into his life like a star falling down from the sky, like a strange sunflower standing out within a field of delicate daises. She had spun a spell on him, with her soft flowing hair that reminded him of autumn leaves - although he had never been a fan of the cold, and the peaceful compositions of her breaths - although he had never understood the fascination with classical music. He could not understand how she could make him feel so much, just by standing there. His pathetic heart would be doing cartwheels at the mere sound of her shuffling footsteps, stubborn chin instantly turning away so that she wouldn't catch him staring at her like a fool. The small crease between her eyebrows made his fists clench so that he could refrain himself from smoothing it out, kissing the patch of skin so that it could loosen up while she smiled. She was simply made up of such small details that made her so different than anybody that he had ever met, details that made his heart soar. From the shaky edge to her voice when she tried to hide how she was feeling, to the way that she smiled unconsciously when talking about something that she loved. He could only hope that one day she would have that same smile on her face while talking about him. 

He rested his head against the locker, dark curls almost getting stuck in the hinges as he watched her, eyes narrowed with curiosity. Perhaps he was keeping an eye on her to make sure that she was okay, to make sure that she truly was fine on her own - although nothing scared him more than believing that her world could still rotate without him. 

"You're doing it again" Sadie's teasing voice came suddenly. 

He blinked, frowning down at her. "Doing what?"

"Staring at her like a lovesick idiot from across the room...why don't you just do everyone else a favor and kiss her already? Ask her out on a something!"

Finn scowled. "Fuck off!"

"Come on, Finn!" she nudged, "I believe in you! You just need to open your mouth and not let yourself say something stupid...I know that may seem hard...but trust me, it will work. I am sick of you staring at her like that and doing nothing about it. Don't you think that it is time that something happens between the two of you? before the world implodes with impatience or something?"

He shook his head. "You're not funny."

"I don't know what you think you're doing...but I can tell you now that it won't end well" Sadie sighed, looking at him with serious eyes. 

Finn looked away. "I don't know what you're talking about."


"What?" he exclaimed. 

"Why are you pushing her away? She has just come back to school with her has got to be overwhelming at least, and she doesn't have anybody there to help. We both know that she only accepts help from you."

He muttered his reply. "She doesn't accept my help..."

"Finn Wolfhard."

He ignored her, looking back at Millie from across the hallway. 

Sadie finally sighed, speaking carefully. "She asked about you the other day, you know? She actually spoke to me, for like...five whole minutes. But she didn't talk about her sight, or classwork...she just asked about you."

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