Chapter16: Did We..

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私は何をすべきか ??




Dahyun woke up and was meet with a beautiful sun shining into her face. She hears the Birds sing and the cars that rush from the way to the other. It relaxed the younger to stay longer in her bed.

She sat up and stretched her arms. She looked outside for a last time before siting up straight, she rubs her eyes before getting up and walking into the bathroom.

After the young girl made herself ready she went downstairs and was meet with 4 of her Background Dancers, her Manager, Sana and Momo.

They said their good Mornings and asked Dahyun how she feels like. When Dahyun tried to sit down she was schocked when Sana made a space between her and my Manager and Momo made space between her and Sowo.

Dahyun was just standing there not knowing what to do. Yuju and SinB saw her situation and happily made a space between them so the younger could sit down.

The whole time Dahyun felt the eyes of Momo and Sana on her. One of them would suddenly look up and then the other.

Dahyun blinked twice when she saw a piece of Bret with honey infront of her mouth. She glared up to see Momo raising her eyebrows at the bred. Before the younger could even bite it she felt a punch under the dish directly into the area.

Dahyun groaned in pain and fell got off from the chair. SinB saw what happened under the dish and is telling it to the other background dancers. The younger was sure it was Sana since she just eats her breakfast with a straight look.

After some while of silence Momo checked her Phone and spoke up.

''Dahyunah! My parents want to meet you.''

Dahyun spilled her Drink by choking while Yuju softly punched her back with a laughing smile.


Momo then looked back at her phone and made a sad face.

''You don't have to."

Momo then looked sadly to her Phone knowing Dahyun couldn't say no to this face and was right. Dahyun melted and agreed.


Dahyun sighed out of her nose and placed her elbow on the dish to rest her head on her hand. Momo's face lit up with a big smile on.

Dahyun looked over at Sana and saw a calm Sana who was about to put a peace of breat into her mouth.

''What are you going to do Sana?"

Sana looked at Dahyun pretty calm before answering.

''Don't pay attention to me. I will probably hang out with my parents."

She still had her straight expression on and glared deeply into Dahyun's eyes while Momo texted her parents about the meet.

''Why don't you just bring your parents too?'' Sumni suddenly spoke up that made Dahyun and Momo's eyes widned.

Momo opened her eyes while eating and looked at Sumni before closing her eyes again. Dahyun was giving Sumni a death glare that made Sumni look down nervous.

Sana on the other hand smiled bright.

''Yeah you know what? This is a good idea! I just text them."

Dahyun nodded nervously while imagining in what kind of situation she will get later.


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