Chapter45: Clean

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Third pov

When the Japanese already heard IU's voice coming from the door she had no time to get dressed and took her white blanket, covering herself with it before making her way to the door only to be meet with Dahyun's speechless expression. The youngest was shooked to see IU once again, what wonders her the most is why would the elder know where Sana lives and that she is here.

IU's eyes wandered from Dahyun to Sana, what didn't go unnoticed by the elder Korean were her messy hair and Dahyun's ruined face. The smell IU starts to smell already confirmed what she was thinking, however, that was not for what she came, she came to talk with both of them. Luckily Momo and Mina understood her, first requested to come with the Korean but IU refused. "What are you doing here and where did you get my address from?" Sana's expression was still the same, holding the blanked close to her chest with her right arm. When Sana watched IU's eyes wander to Dahyun she slowly made her way infront, almost pushing the youngest back to face IU.

"I have to talk with both of you."

Dahyun felt many emotions in her, once she was so happy that her heart started to beat faster but on the other side worried about the situation. Why would the person who made her life ten times harder randomly show up infront of your friends house without even knowing where she got the address from or even the information that Dahyun is here. Trusting her or not, the youngest needed answers, answers of many questions that keep swimming in her head. She knew Sana wouldn't be happy if she would agree, at the end Sana hated her more than Dahyun did.

"Why would I let you in and you still didn't answer, how did you find my address?" Sana didn't even look back at Dahyun, she was so focused on the girl infront of her that she didn't notice Dahyun's grif till she got softly pushed back while trying hard not to hurt the Japanese. IU sighed and looked at Dahyun, hoping that atleast the girl infront of her would give her a chance. As expected, Dahyun's soft and quit voice was heard saying "I come out any minute, wait here."

The eldest was relieved and let out a long sigh while nodding at Dahyun. The youngest Korean didn't have to look at Sana to know that the Japanese was mad, expected, Sana glared at the girl infront of her with widned eyes and seconds later rolled her eyes, annoyed walking back to the bed room. When the youngest finally turned, she watched the Japanese disappear behind the door, making Dahyun sigh stressfully before turning back to the elder, giving her a sign that she comes after speaking with the Japanese.

As told, she closed the door, making the eldest wait in the floor. Dahyun's full attention was first on making Sana stay calm. "Sana..." She was faced with the Japanese taking on her clothes while being faced to the mirror, looking at Dahyun pissed from the mirror. It wasn't that she wanted to listen to IU that made Sana mad, it was that she was scared that the Korean had to remember the pain again. It wasn't a reason to be mad at the younger, she wasn't mad, just worried to death about the younger.

"C'mon, we should just listen." Making steps forward, she back hugs the Japanese, resting her head on her shoulder while strongly pulling her closer by her stomach. As much the Japanese tried to ignore the truth that she likes this, but ends up humming into it and resting her hands on Dahyun's that are placed on her stomach. Sana's expression quickly softened from a mad one to a worried one, still glaring at themselves on the mirror.

"It's not that, I'm not mad. I just don't want you to face that again. You forgot it and by showing up she must have gave you back the memories. I don't want to hear you talk bad about yourself again because you think what she said was true." The Japanese closes her eyes after finishing her sentence, feeling the Griff on her stomach get stronger. It was the truth that after Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu slept over at their apartment, Dahyun randomly showed up at Sana's bed in the middle of the night, telling her she can't sleep. Turned out that she thought alot about what people thought about her on her Trainee days.

"I changed Sana, it's more than 5 years ago."

Suddenly, the Japanese trusted the girls words, finally opening her eyes, she smiled and tapped Dahyun's cheeks, head still rested on the elders shoulders. Seconds later the Korean backed off, not wanting to leave IU wait there embarrassed. It was the truth that Dahyun only talked bad about IU with Chaeyoung and Tzuyu but she really changed. Changed in a way where she would only spread love at people. She wanted to be a new person and a better, being an idol for many people showed her that what she does can affect many people. Dahyun wasn't a bad person back then, just a rude child that needed more attention.

"Go, I wait here. But don't talk too much with her." Nodding at the Japanese, she makes her way outside. Ready to speak out with the elder Korean. If Dahyun thinks about it, she never had a peaceful conversation with IU like adults, this would be the very first time for the younger Korean. After all, Dahyun should thank IU, thank her for making her run out of the room that day because if she wouldn't have, Sana and the others wouldn't have paid her attention and wouldn't have showed up another time.

"So, what is it you wanted to tell me?" Dahyun didn't want to sound shy and akward with her but it came automatically into her voice, facing IU before someone from the apartment passes by them, waiting till the person is gone before speaking up.

"Dahyun I start new, I'm not the old girl anymore and no I'm not doing this because you're famous now and I need fame. I'm serious, I don't want that people remember me as the old person I was." Dahyun wasn't exactly sure if she should be suprised or be relieved. The younger thinks it's great what the elder does but she knows that a part of her won't forget the old IU. It was the IU who would blame you for everything, it was the IU who would laugh at you. Dahyun listened to IU's reason, that she used to be hated in school and got told that being like them would take away pain.

Suddenly Dahyun started to understand somethings, not all but a little part of it and that was that IU wanted attention and being seen as the cooler person. She continues by telling her about why Wendy and Jisoo never did anything about it. Dahyun didn't know that they actually were only by her side to protect her. Somehow the time rushed and IU gave Dahyun a wide grin. This day was the first time Dahyun saw IU cry, it showed her that she meant it, showed her that IU changed.

"Thank you, it makes me feel alot better that you don't think about me like that anymore." IU's chuckle was heard while the younger just glares down till something popped up in her head, the question she had in the first place. "where did you get these informations?" IU expected her to ask her about that, not that she promised the man anything, she told the Korean about first randomly knocking on Momo's house door. Later on Dahyun's eyes widned and she felt her stomach get turned when she heard IU's last sentence.

"And there was this man, Kim Takashi i think, he gave me the street name as your old address."



"Y-you fell in love with Momo again?"

"I chose you! Really... Please believe me..."




Ew, how lazy I am

Have a good night/day.


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