Chapter30: Confusion

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The blonde Japanese girl is making her way home from Mina's house and tries to call Dahyun once again but sighs when the mailbox came again. After she felt an rain drop on her face she looks up for a little moment and then gets her Umbrella from her bag.

Sana decided to make her way to Dahyun's house to check on the younger girl. She was so deeply in her thoughts that she jumped into a person that made the Japanese girl back off.

''I'm so sorry!'' Sana said it while covering her mouth with her right hand.

She couldn't see the face of the boy at the ground. He had a Asian boy cut and already was wet from the rain. She started to feel embarrassed and looked down while the boy got up. Before she could even look at him a familiar voice spoke up.

''S-sana?'' Yami's eyes widned while he glared at the blonde girl.

Sana quickly looked up only to find the boy looking at her while the rain is flossing down of his face.

''Have a good day."

The girl had her straight look on and was about to walk past him but she felt a grab on her shoulder and is thousands of raindrops fell on her Shoulder. She took her right hand away from the umbrella and pushed his hand on and turned back to him.

''Do not touch me Yami."

He looked at her with the same face. The sad soft boy look but Sana knows what kind of person he is. It almost feels like he knows where she was and waited for her.

"I'm sorry Sana."

Yami was about to make a step forward but Sana backed off.

''Sana I love you.."

The Japanese girl feels something in her hurt when she heard these words. She wishes she could hear the same from another person.

If only the person she thinks of could stand infront of her with the same expression to confess her love.

''Yami I'm sorry to say this but I don't care. You lied to me and even gave Nayeon an experience she won't forget for the rest of her life!"

He had so much to say but nothing came out because she's right. The Korean boy did something a woman never forgets. Sana hates to admit that even after all this she can't be more mean. Nayeon would have already kicked him out of the way. She looks down and watches how the rain shows her her own reflection while more rain drops fall on it.

"I'm going now."

The boy looks back up while feeling a pain in his chest. He hated that his brain already told him where she is going. He puts his hands into his pocket and looks up again.

"Do you love Dahyun?"

Yami ignores how the weight gets bigger and bigger of his clothes and stares into Sana's eyes with an sad smile. The blonde was suprised from the question but still has an answer to it.

''Yes, and I always did Yami..''

He looked up with a sad face finding Sana's serious face there under the Umbrella. The hair on his face is hanging straight into his eyes.


Sana stares at his face for some seconds but then turned back to make her way to Dahyun. She turned for a last time and her eyes widned when she saw the boy hide his face into his hands as if he is crying. She quickly turns back and looks down from left to right.

She kind of felt bad for him. Not in that way, in the way where she feels like he's alone and really needs love in his life.

She turns her head back and leaves him. On her way to Dahyun she really thought about it but it didn't help.

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