Orion and Layla's keys

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A/N: Hello readers. Chapter 2 is here. I hope you enjoy.

(Lucy p.o.v)

It's been 3 years since the incident. I was training with Lepus every day to increase my magic power and I can now open two gates at once. I was also taught hand-to-hand combat so I can fight alongside my spirits even more and I learned requip magic to store my keys in pocket dimension so the enemies can't take them from me.

I heard that Karen Lilica, the famous celestial mage from Blue Pegasus guild, was killed by someone and the murderer is unknown.

It couldn't be the Black Cross because they always work at night. I also learned that they specialize in Swords magic, Guns magic and Shadow magic. They are also the most powerful dark guild in Fiore and I heard they have over 2500 members.

That number freaks me out. Seriously!? 2500 MEMBERS!? I can't fight that many! What the heck am I!? A wizard saint!?

I think I have to first lower their numbers somehow, either by killing them or putting them behind bars.

Anyways, I bought another key from the store. It was Orion the Hunter.

I'm was outside my house in the woods that I managed to build with help of my spirits.

I took out Orion's key and chanted "Open! Gate of the Hunter, Orion!"

Then a man appeared infront of me. He had brown hair and eyes. He was wearing a fedora, sunglasses and a trenchcoat with red tie, white shirt and black pants underneath it. He was smoking a cigarette. And he also had a sniper rifle on his back.

He noticed me and bowed "Greetings, miss. My name is Orion. May I ask what is your name?" He asked in well mannered tone.

"My name is Lucy. Nice to meet you, Orion" she said with smile

"So, I assume you are my new master, correct?" he said and I nodded

"Yes, I am. Shall we do a contract?" I asked

He nodded "I was going to ask the same question."

"Alright, when are you available? I asked him

He answered "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I don't like being called on Fridays."

"Okay, so do you have any other weapons or just that sniper on your back?" I asked

Then he unbuttoned his trenchcoat and showed me a pistol hostlers with 2 revolvers, one in each "Does this answer your question, Miss Lucy?"

"Yes, it does. And please just call me Lucy" I answered

He chuckled and said "Alright, Lucy. I'm looking forward working with you. See you next time." and with that, he went back to celestial world.

I went inside my house. It was one story house made out of wood, there were a couch, a love seat and small coffee table on the right side, a kitchen at the upper corner of the living room and there were two doors: one leading to my bedroom and the other to my bathroom.

I rested on the couch and thought about what to do tommorow since it's weekends. I can't summon Lepus for training because it's monday to friday and I can't summon Lupus either because he can only be summoned at the same days as Lepus.

I have an idea, I'll just go to new mission where a woman asking to save her kidnapped daughter, and she gives a reward of three ZODIAC keys for whoever brings her daughter back. And I will use Aquila and Orion, since Aquila is available every day and Orion because I want to see him in action. Plus, Lepus and Lupus only like working with each other."

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