Doubts about Lucy's actions

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A/N: Greetings readers. Chapter 11 is here. Hope you enjoy

(Kairi p.o.v)

I was currently at the guild drinking chocolate milkshake, Natsu stuffing his mouth with food and Happy and Tina eating fishes.

"You're going to choke if you continue to eat that fast." I said staring at my dense brother

He shrugged it off "Well I have never been a smartass, sis."

At least he's not afraid to admit it. I bet he's gonna go to Lucy's place again.

He said that her place is hidden in one of the deepest forests that even Black Cross doesn't dare to enter.

Hmph, those bastards. I just want to find their base and kick all of their asses, but it would be impossible because they have 2500 members, six commanders that can go against two wizard saints in 1vs2 battle without breaking a sweat and the leader whose magic power rivals that of black wizard Zeref!

They could takeover bloody Crocus if they wanted to! I don't want to even think about that!

Then I was brought back from my thoughts when a fist collided with my brother's face.

I turned where the hand came from and it was Gray's. It figures, only he would do that even though Natsu is the one who usually starts the fight.

"What was that for, you pervy popsicle!?" my brother yelled in anger

"You know why, flame brain! I'm bored since you're always gone during weekends!" Gray yelled back

Even though it's annoying, I find their fights amusing. They are like two little kids who are fighting over a chocolate.

They were butting heads and calling each other names until...

"Are you two fighting again!?" Erza yelled

"No, ma'am! We are the best of friends! Right, Natsu?" Gray said sweating bullets

"Right, buddy! Best friends never fight!" Natsu said sweating bullets as well

Then Erza said "It's nice to see you getting along. I hope you two aren't causing any trouble."

They both said "No, ma'am!"

I fell on the floor and started laughing like a maniac. Everybody in the guild looked at like I kicked a puppy of the cliff.

When I finally stopped, I said "What!? You don't see me watching when you are laughing! So quit it!"

Everyone shrugged it off and went back to their daily routines.

Natsu went back stuffing his face with food and Gray... well, he continued to take his clothes off without knowing.

All I heard Gray was forced to train during winter in his younger years, naked!

What the heck!? I wouldn't do that for billion jewels! Who the freak did even gave him that training!?

This guild is insane! I wouldn't be suprised if Magic Council would disband us!

Well, the guild would be if it weren't for Makarov's friend who is part of the council. Besides, the council has trouble with Black Cross now.

I went back to drink my chocolate milkshake. Happy and Tina ordered another fish each.

Tina isn't crazy for fishes as Happy is. She prefers roasted ones more while Happy prefers raw.

Then someone bumped into me and it was Mira. Are her and Erza fighting again?

I punched Mira sending her flying into Erza, but they were both pissed and rushed towards me.

The next thing that happened. A big Fairy Tail brawl again.

This guild is insane, but I wouldn't leave it because it's more than that.

It's my family.

(Lucy p.o.v)

I woke up after sleeping, but I was laying on the couch instead of the grass. I saw Aquila sitting on the loveseat, reading some article.

"Oh, you're awake. About time!" she exclaimed

I asked yawning "What happened?"

"You fell asleep on the grass when I came through my gate, so I carried you inside." she explained

I sighed, falling asleep outside was the most stupid idea. I might have bugs in my hair.

"I washed your hair, just so we're clear. Your boyfriend wouldn't like if you were to get sick." Aquila said

I blushed when she said the word boyfriend. She really likes to tease me, doesn't she?

"He is not my boyfriend, yet! You just enjoy to tease me, don't you!?" I yelled still blushing

But she didn't flinch "What? It's better that than Aquarius rubbing in your face about how she has a boyfriend and you don't."

I sighed. That really is a pain in the rear! Aquarius always has to rub it in and I hate that! Sometimes, I'm just glad that I got Aquila instead of her as my first spirit!

I got up and went to get something to drink from kitchen. While drinking, I thought about Natsu.

He is so handsome. I can already imagine having kids with him. Girls with my brown eyes and his pink hair and boys with my blonde hair and his onyx eyes.

But when I start dating him, I would eventually have to join Fairy Tail. The guild that hates killing no matter how much their victims are cruel. Then I'll have to give up from vengeance all together.

"Are you alright, Lucy. You seem troubled. Is it something about Nastu?" Aquila asked in worry.

I nodded and spoke "When Natsu and I start dating, I'll have to join Fairy Tail and give up from my vengeance because they frown upon killing. Even if the victim is as vile as Black Cross, if not viler."

She walked towards me and pulled me into a hug "Who says you have to join immediately? Kill all of those Black Cross bastards and then join Fairy Tail. You will finally be at peace with yourself and no longer have to live a life full of violence. Don't let Natsu's guildmates judge you."

I looked at her "Thanks, Aquila. At least you don't hate me after I changed."

She placed a hand on my cheek and smiled "Lucy, know this. No matter what, you are still that little girl I met in your mansion's garden. You will always be my master and friend and I hope your kids will learn celestial magic so that I can be their spirit as well. Trust me, nothing will ever break our bond. I swear on your parents' graves." She spoke and after sometime went back to celestial world.

Whenever I say the guild name of Black Cross or even think about them, I just want to find their base and massacre them all!

They took my parents from me and my home! I won't stop until I get my revenge on them! I don't care what guilds like Fairy Tail think of me, I'll murder all of those Black Cross monsters!

But then, I thought about Natsu and Happy. Those two were the first friends I had besides my spirits. They are like husband and son to me, respectively.

I know that they don't care if I kill Black Cross members, but when we first met they both were shocked at how I killed those bastards.

Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes. Am I doing the right thing? Is it really worth it killing Black Cross members? Am I justified? Or am I just a murderer?

I cried in my pillow. What would my parents think if they saw me? Would they still see me as their daughter? Or would they disown me?

Then I asked myself in my mind 'Can you save me before I become a monster, Natsu?'

Will I ever have a family again? Or is my life just a tool for vengeance?

A/N: Author here. I don't know what I was thinking about adding a dragon lacrima in previous chapter when Lucy can use Dragon Slayer Magic through Star Dress. Now that I mention it, I think that was the reason what was bugging me about the previous chapter. Like I seen that somewhere before, but I can't point it where. Anyways, see you in the next chapter. Bye! P.S: the video is not mine!

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