Return of Ur

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A/N: Hello everyone. Here is the new chapter for you.

(Natsu p.o.v)

I held unconsious Lucy in my arms after she fell down from casting that spell.

But still, I can't believe she actually revived Gray's master. What kind of spell did she used?

My sister told Ur what exactly was happening during the years she was in Iced Shell.

She was shocked "So Lyon wants to free Deliora and fight it just so he can surpass me? Can't believe Gray actually told him that."

"Forgive me for butting in, Miss Ur. But I don't believe Lyon actually knew about you still being alive. If he did, then he wouldn't go through all this trouble. Or maybe he still would, be-cause he ordered his lackeys to destroy the village on this island and kill its residents." I told her.

Ur clenched her fist and said "Never thought he would fall so low by ordering to murder an entire village full of innocent people. I'm ashamed of what he has become. At least Gray managed to find peace by joining a guild."

Kairi nodded "Yes, that is the only good thing. Aside from him and my idiotic brother fighting each other. You know, Gray's ice and Natsu's fire."

Ur laughed "Ice and fire aren't exactly the best of friends, but can be a deadly combination if used properly." Then she looked at Lucy "But I never thought someone so young could actually use Soul Star spell."

I raised an eyebrow and asked "Soul Star?"

"It's an ancient spell that can only be used by celestial mages. It removes a soul from the spells such as Iced Shell and creates a new physical body. It can be also used as a deadly offense spell. Don't worry, your friend is still alive. She is going to wake up soon." Ur said.

That is the only good thing. However, I looked behind Ur and Kairi and started shaking.

"What's wrong, twin bro? You look pale." Kairi said worriedly.

I pointed behind them and they both were in shock. Iced Shell was melted and Deliora was free.

"That idiot Lyon! I thought at least he would think rationally! It seems I have to use Iced Shell again." Ur said.

Kairi stopped her "Lucy used that spell to give you a second chance at life. Don't throw your life away for the second time."

I felt Gray was near and layed Lucy down on the ground and turned to the girls "Take her someplace safe. I sense someone being near."

Kairi nodded and picked my mate up then she and Ur got somewhere safe.

I went towards Gray's direction "Gray what are you doing here? You know what, forget about that for now. We gotta take that thing down!"

Then we both saw Lyon crawling towards us, severely beaten "Finally, I have waited for this moment. My dream is going to be finally fullfilled. I will surpass Ur!"

But then Gray punched him behind the neck which made Lyon fall down.

"You've caused enough trouble." Gray said walking towards Deliora "I'm cleaning the mess you started."

Then he got himself into the same stance and prepared to cast the Iced Shell again.

Then Lyon yelled "You bastard! Do you have any idea how long it took me to melt that ice?! That will not stop me from freeing Deliora again!"

"I can't worry about the future! I need to stop that thing from killing all of us!" Gray yelled back.

Then, Kairi came running and punched Gray in the face. He fell on the ground and tried to get up, but she pinned him down with her foot.

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