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A/N: Hello everybody. The new chapter is here. Hope you enjoy.

(Natsu p.o.v)

The Harvest Festival was closing in and everyone in the guild were preparing for Fantasia parade we hold every year.

I haven't gone for a job because of the effects that were caused after eating Ethernano. Gray is going on jobs with his girlfriend Juvia, Erza is repairing her armors that were broken and she is catching up with her old friends and Kairi, Tina and Ur are going on jobs together while Lucy is at the outdoor pool swimming or sunbathing with Levy.

As for me and Happy, we're hanging out in the guild we ate our food as always at one of the tables.

"Natsu, I have to tell you something." Happy said.

I looked at him and spoke "Alright. What is it?"

"Lucy is heavy." He said.

Once he said that, I supressed the urge to strangle him. Did he just called my mate fat?! Lucy doesn't even look so chubby!

"What did you just say?" I asked angrily.

"I'm just saying that she should lose some weight. It's getting hard to carry her all the time." He said.

I placed my chicken leg back on the table and spoke "Happy, let me ask you something. Does Lucy even looks chubby to you? That girl has a fit, voluptuous figure with muscular physique. You call that fat?!"

Lisanna walked pass us and I called her "Hey, Lisanna. Come over here."

My lesbian childhood friend was confused and came over. I asked "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. Ask me whatever you want. You want me to sleep with Lucy? I'll do it without complaints." She said jokingly

I rolled my eyes "No, I want to ask you some other question. Does Lucy seem fat to you? Happy says she is heavy."

The barmaid immediately smacked Happy at the back of his head. The blue feline yelped "Ouch! What was that for?!"

"Don't you never ever tell a woman that she is fat! That's very rude! And from what I see, Lucy isn't anywhere close to being chubby! I bet 100,000 jewels that even Levy can carry her!" Lisanna exclaimed.

Just then, Levy appeared while carrying Lucy in her arms. Happy had his jaw dropped as he was staring at the two girls in disbelief.

"Natsu, your girlfriend is so light that even I can carry her. Lucy must be at least 45kg." Levy said

Then she placed my mate at the opposite side of me and went back to her teammates. Lisanna also left to serve other members of the guild.

I turned to Happy "See, Happy. Even Levy can carry Lucy as if she is a baby." I told him.

Lucy was confused "What were you two talking about while I wasn't here?" She asked.

Before Happy could change the subject, I quickly said "Happy said that you're fat."

At that, the ripped blonde turned to Happy and shot a very sinister glare that would even make Laxus flinch.

"What did you call me?! I don't workout everyday just to be called fat by some stupid talking cat! You have a deathwish?! Because Erza will be the least of your worries when I get my hands on you!" Lucy told him in very angry tone.

Happy was literally shitting himself. Well, he kinda deserves it. Even I know better than to call a woman fat.

"Natsu, help! Lucy is going to kill me!" Happy said in fear.

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