Old Friend

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A/N: Hello everybody. The new chapter is here. Hope you enjoy.


(Natsu p.o.v)

"You know what? you are very weak for a dragon slayer." Venom mocked me "Akio would rip out your spine without any hint of effort."

I bursted in flames "That's it! I'll turn you into crisp, you undead bastard!"

With that, I attacked Venom and kicked him in the face with Fire Dragon's Claw attack. However, he caught my foot and threw me across the field.

I landed on my feet and attacked Venom with with Fire Dragon's Sword Horn. He flew right towards the tree, but he got up like it wasn't anything.

Venom attacked me with his poisoned claws, or at least I assumed they are poisoned, but I dodged them before he could scratch me. I tried to punch him with Fire Dragon's Iron Fist but he evaded it in quick speed. The Black Cross Commander kicked in my stomach which sent me flying to another tree.

I casted Fire Dragon's Roar towards him and he was caught in the blast. However, he emerged from smoke as if it was nothing. He then warped to me and almost scratched me with his claws. After that, teleported away and threw some knives from the distance at super speed.

I dodged the knives and destroyed them with Fire Dragon's Roar after which fire bursted out of my feet and punched Venom in the face. He flew backwards, but soon landed to the ground and slid backwards as he took out a magic gun and fired at me with purple bullets. They are probably poi-soned because of the color and smell they were giving.

Venom stopped sliding and he then warped right infront of me and tried to scratch me with his left claw again. I quickly dodged it, and attacked him with Fire Dragon's Wing Attack. And again, he came out of the flames like it's nothing much to my irritation.

"You have to do better than that, boy. I have felt hotter things before." Venom said mockingly "Or maybe I cannot feel any heat because... I'm already dead! Whohohohoho!"

I was angered and my body bursted into flames, charging towards Black Cross Commander and kicking him hard in the face which made him fly to the other side of the forest again.

Just then, Erza, Gray and Happy came and looked up into the sky at how Venom flew away.

"Flame Brain, you just kicked that guy out of the existence." Gray said.

I tched and decided to ignore him for now, since I want to find my mate and make sure she's alright.

"Natsu, Gray. I don't want to deal with your childish nonsense right now!" Erza said as she shot a glare at us both "We have more important manners to deal with, so quit acting like children and get moving!"

"Aye!" Gray and I both replied out of the fear. We all began to run so we can find Oracion Seis's base.


(Lucy p.o.v)

Me, Kairi, Ur, Wendy, Tina and Carla ran through the forest after we have beaten Angel and undead members of Oracion Seis guild.

Eventually, we arrived to some cave where which we assumed was base of Oracion Seis. The six of us walked into the cave carefully since there could be some guards waiting to ambush us.

"Ugh! Couldn't have they pick a better hideout than this craphole? I can smell something dead here, and I am hoping it's not some Black Cross walking corpses." Kairi complained.

Ur commented "I'd say I have never shown fear in my entire life. Walking corpses are something that sends chills down my spine, and it is very scary to say."

Wendy was behind me and she began shivering in fear. I let her do that since she was little and could get hurt if we're not careful enough.

"What are you doing, child?! Stop hiding behind others!" Carla scolded her.

Tina snapped "Will you leave her alone?! She is just a little girl!" She whispered/yelled.

I hushed them "Quiet, you felines! And as for you Carla, Wendy can hide behind me if she wants! I don't want to send a kid into a fight if she doesn't want to, and you should stop scolding her like you are her mother!"

The white feline only hmph and looked away. I swear, Happy is more likable than this high-and-mighty attitude cat!

We proceeded futher into the cave to find out more about Nirvana Oracion Seis are so obsessed about. I don't know why are they wanted so much, but it sends chills down my spine by just thinking about it.

Just then, we heard a voice coming from all directions "Well, well, well. If it isn't the well known Star Maiden. I would gladly take you on myself and end what Lord Kuraim's son couldn't, but I believe someone else would glad-ly take you on."

After that, a man around my age appeared. He has a blue short hair, black eyes and red tatto over his eye, but his skin was pale to the point I realized it's another walking corpse.

I noticed Kairi was shivering much to my confusion, and I also saw a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Kairi, what's wrong?" Ur asked.

The dragon slayer spoke "That man. He s Jellal, Erza's childhood friend!"

I was shocked at what she said. They raised him from the dead, but against his own will! Or at least I think.

Jella shouted loudly in the air which made Kairi and Wendy cover their ears. Then, he slowly proceeded towards us with a sword in hand.

"Kill me... End my suffering!" Jellal said in begging tone.

We all got into our fighting stances, and prepared for the worst.


A/N: Chapter finished. I'm sorry for taking this so long, and I am especially sorry for bringing Jellal back like that. As I said before, I don't have anything against Jerza, and I don't hate Jellal. But if you all remember that Mystogan was the one who took care of Wendy and that he doesn't exist in this story, Oracion Seis wouldn't have any good reason to kidnap Wendy and manipulate her into reviving Jellal since she doesn't know Mystogan and doesn't have any good reason to revive Jellal. I hope you guys aren't upset about this, and I promise Jellal won't remain this way. Anyways, see you all in the next chapter. Bye!

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