Meeting Kairi and Tina

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A/N: Hello readers. New chapter is here. Hope you enjoy.

(Lucy p.o.v)

It's been three months since me and Natsu have started dating.

I woke up in Natsu's bed. I decided to stay over at his place for this weekend since we are officially dating.

I got dressed and went downstairs to get something to drink. When I entered the kitchen, I saw a girl that had pink hair and she wore white shirt and blue shorts. There was also a red cat that looked like Happy eating a roasted fish.

The girl was making some pancakes while humming and they smelled good. The red cat noticed me and said "Kairi, I see some unfamiliar face here. It's possibly that girl Natsu told us about."

The pinkette turned around and looked at me. She looks like Natsu but only as female! That must be his twin sister.

She walked foward and stared at me for few seconds before smiling "So, you must be Lucy. Natsu told me so much about you. I'm Kairi and this is Tina." She said pointing to the red cat on the counter.

The red cat called Tina smiled and waved me. I waved back at her.

Kairi wrapped her arm around me and spoke "Natsu wasn't joking when he said you were ripped. He was always interested in strong girls. I need to know something. Are you pregnant?"

I was nervous and shook my head few times "Hell no! I'm not ready to become a mother yet and I don't want to have a child in this age!

She nodded "Good. The guild doesn't need another fire breathing idiot. I can barely stand one of him because I constantly beat him up for causing damage during jobs."

I sighed as she went back to make pancakes. Tina kept eating her fish as I decided to grab something to drink.

"Is there something to drink here? I'm thirsty." I asked.

"There is some apple juice in the fridge. Knock yourself out." Kairi replied.

I grabbed the juice and poured it into a glass. While I was talking with Kairi and Tina, Natsu and Happy came down and the former kissed me.

"Good morning, my beautiful princess. It's looks like you already met my sister and her best friend, didn't you?" He said.

Kairi rolled her eyes "Don't get all lovey dovey infront of us. Do it in private, you love birds."

Natsu groaned "Whatever, twin sis. Is there something to eat? I'm hungry!"

"When aren't you hungry. I wonder how didn't you choke yourself since you eat like an animal. Sometimes, I just want to knock that idiocy out of you!" She yelled which startled me.

Natsu shivered and hid behind me. She really is scary! I pity the fools who try to fight her.

She calmed down and asked "So, how do you like pancakes, Lucy? With chocolate or honey?"

I replied with honey. She nodded and told us to get the table ready. Once we set up the table, she brought the pancakes.

Natsu started stuffing his face with food while Happy was munching on his fish immediately. Kairi, Tina and I sweatdropped at their behavior.

"How do you even put up with them?" I asked while Kairi sighed

"Well, you aren't the one who was raised by dragons. Wonder where Igneel went wrong. Or Natsu was just born as an idiot." She replied.

I giggled at what she said while Natsu frowned. Well, he can't complain about it since it's true.

My boyfriend swallowed his pancake and spoke "Shut up, Kairi."

"You can't deny it since it's true, twin bro. You better hope that Erza doesn't come here and pounds you to the ground." She told him

I noticed that Natsu got pale when that name was mentioned. Is she talking about Erza Scarlet, the Queen of The Fairies?

I heard that she is one mean woman. Wouldn't want to mess with her because I'm afraid what she might do.

Tina spoke "Look at him, he looks like he walked out of a freezer. It's very funny!"

While Tina was laughing, I asked Kairi "I have a question. Is everyone in Fairy Tail so destructive or just Natsu?"

"Everyone in Fairy Tail, but Natsu does the most damage out of all members. Except when I'm going with him. But the Council prefer us over Black Cross." She answered.

Just hearing the name of that disgusting guild makes my blood boil.

I want to kill them all for what they did to my parents. Being around Natsu and Happy eased my pain, but I still hunger for vengeance.

Those sick bastards will pay for every crime they did. My parents were good people.

My dad's business partners think that I'm dead or even worse. Brainwashed into becoming one of Black Cross members.

"Lucy, are you okay?" Happy asked.

I came out of my thoughts and said "No worries. I'm fine, Happy."

He looked at me for few moments then went back to eat his fish.

Black Cross took my family away from me. But, maybe Fairy Tail can be my new family.

When the time comes, I will join Fairy Tail. But that also means I'll have to give up killing Black Cross members. I have spilled enough blood.

Revenge is sweet, but it can also turn you into the thing you hate.

Black Cross have brought nothing but destruction to this kingdom. It's a miracle that Fiore still exists.

Well, their time will come. And they will pay for everything they did.

I swear on the graves of my parents.

Natsu yawned and got up "Alright, what do you girls want to do next? Wanna go fishing or walking around the forest? Or maybe just staying here and chatting?"

Kairi asked "Why don't we just go to the guild? We could introduce Lucy to everyone else."

I rubbed my head "Sorry, but I don't think I'm ready yet. I want to have more privacy with Natsu before metting the rest of Fairy Tail."

She rolled her eyes "Fine, we won't introduce you yet. But I have to warn you they are sometimes a little too curious. Natsu already told you about that, didn't he?"

I nodded and she looked at him. He asked "What? I don't them to find out that I have a mate, otherwise they would try to steal her away from me!"

When he said that, I grabbed him by the scarf and slammed my lips against his which shocked and amused Kairi at the same time.

After I seperated from him, I spoke "What did I say? That you are the only one who is allowed to kiss me, grope me, spank me and bang me till I scream your name!"

He nodded few times furiously as Kairi laughed. She spoke "Met her an hour ago and I already like her! Natsu, you should marry this woman!"

I blushed when she mentioned marriage. Natsu blushed as well.

Well, I wouldn't mind marrying Natsu. After all, he is the only man in my life and other guys can just back off!

A/N: Author here. I'm sorry if you guys had to wait so long for new chapter, I had to re-write it at least three times because it drived me up to a freaking wall! I'm running out of ideas what to write in this book. It's because of that reason why this chapter is too short. Well, see you in the next one. Bye!

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