Miss Fairy Tail Contest

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A/N: Hello, everybody. The new chapter is here and I hope you all will enjoy.

(Lucy p.o.v)

Next day, the guild organized a beauty contest that all women in Fairy Tail participate in. I decided to stay out of it because it's really not my thing.

I went to the table where Natsu was eating his food and placed my hands against the table with my chest exposed infront of him.

"Hey, babe. Are you having a good meal?" I asked with a smile.

He swallowed the food he was eating and stared at my breasts. I smirked as there was a shade of pink on his face.

Then I touched my breasts and squeezed them together at which he stared pervertedly.

"Do you like it, dragon boy?" I asked him.

He hungrily nodded, but then I saw the rest of our male guildmates staring at my breasts with blushes and pervy expressions.

I shot a glare at them all "Hey! Only my boyfriend is allowed to perv on me, so stop looking at my chest or I'll make sure you won't live to see another day!"

They all trembled in fear and turned away. Then, I sat next to Natsu and zipped my jacket up.

"So, when is this contest going to be?" I asked.

"Around 12 o' clock. I'm suprised you aren't participating in it." Natsu replied.

I shrugged my shoulders "I'm not into that thing. And I doubt anyone wants to see a ripped girl at the beauty contest."

Just then, a reporter who was interviewing other members came towards us.

"Excuse me, miss? I couldn't help but notice how very nice fitness figure you have." He said.

I nodded akwardly "Yes. And what of it?"

"My name is Jason and I'm working for Sorcerer Magazine. We're looking for someone who is willing to do a  shoot as fitness model. Are you perhaps interested?" The reporter said.

I replied "I'll consider it. That is if my overly jealous boyfriend allows me." I said looking at Natsu.

The reporter was dumbfounded "Wait. You're dating Natsu Dragneel?!" He asked.

I nodded slowly. He exclaimed "That is so COOOOOOOL! If you make up your mind in, come to the studio in Crocus. You have one week to decide before the photo shoot starts. Goodbye now!" Jason said running off to interview other members.

When he did, I slowly turned to Natsu and asked "What in the CSK's name was all that about?"

"That's just how Jason is. The Sorcerer Magazine loves our reckless nature, but I hate them for slandering my good name. But, that's mostly being my fault for being so reckless." He replied while drinking his hot-sauce.

I sighed "I don't know. Should I do this modelling?"

Natsu shrugged "Why are you asking me? He offered you, so he'll probably pay you some good amount of money. Besides, Mira done modelling a couple of times."

I thought for a second and nodded it "Alright. I'll go tell Jason that I will do the shoot."

Then, I went directly towards Jason to tell him I accept his offer.

*time skip*

After few hours have passed, the Miss Fairy Tail Contest started.

"I expected to see Elfman here, but why you?" Gray asked looking at my boyfriend.

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