The Cold Empreror

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A/N: Hello readers. You all know what am I going to say and I hate repeating it always. Enjoy the chapter.

(Gray p.o.v)

Me and Erza were still awake while everyone else are asleep.

"Gray, should we really do a foursome with Natsu and Lucy?" Erza asked.

I shook my head "No. She doesn't seem to be into this kind of thing. I'm suprised she and flame brain haven't break up after finding out about this."

"It's some dragon slayer thing that happens every summer. Natsu was in heat and marked Lucy as his mate for life after mating with her. It's called Dragon Mating Season. Dragon slayers are also affected by this." Erza said.

"Mate for life? Are you saying that fla-me brain and Lucy are in some sort of marriage that can't dissolved by any means?" I asked her and she answer-ed with a nod.

Well, now I'm even more jealous of Natsu because that girl is going to be his forever. When will I find my special someone?

"Hey, Gray. You remember that three-some we had with Natsu last year? You know, few days before he went on that mission about retrieving that artifact." Erza asked.

I nodded "Yeah. You really destroyed both of us that day. Did you ever had sex relation with anyone before me and Natsu?"

She was embarrassed at first, but told me anyways "Well, there was one guy while I was on an S-class mission. He was a sailor, very skilled with swords, and had this mossy green hair. He was a really handsome man. Too bad we only seen each other for few days, but we still had a good time."

Now I'm really suprised. A guy that wasn't afraid by Erza? What would I give to see that.

After sometime, the ground started shaking and everyone has woken up.

Then there was a large purple circle above Deliora. That must be the moonlight!

"Let's go. We need to find out where the light is coming from." Erza said running off and the rest of us followed her.

When we left the temple, the purple light was coming from the same place we saw when we came to the Galuna.

After we got there, we saw some people rounded up in the circle and speaking something.

"It seems those freaks are chanting some spell to collect the moonlight." Natsu said.

"And cast it on Deliora. But what for?" Kairi said.

Then we heard Lucy's winged spirit say "It's the belianese spell called the Moon Drip."

Lucy was suprised "What the? I thought I sent you back to Celestial World. But tell us more since you know about this spell."

"They are using the Moon Drip spell on that frozen demon underground so that they can resurrect it." The spirit said.

"What?!" Natsu asked in shock.

"But they can't! The Iced Shell is completely unmeltable!" I said in shock.

"Hate to say it, but that's not entirely true. While the iced shell is strong, it can be melted using the moon drip. It can even dispel the spells stronger than the Iced Shell itself." She told me.

"Oh no." Happy said in frightened voice.

I was in utter anger "Idiots! What are they trying to accomplish?!"

"I believe this is the reason why the Islanders have demonic bodies. Moon Drip can cause side effects and the Islanders were way too much exposed to the moon." Lyra said.

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