Opening Up

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A/N: Greetings readers. Chapter 4 is here. I hope you enjoy.

(Lucy p.o.v)

I was still running with pink haired guy in my arms with his flying cat following us.

After we managed to escape, I stopped looking back and said "Phew, that was close."

I looked at the guy in my arms and he was asleep. Really? We were running away and he fell asleep in my arms?

I sweatdropped and his cat landed on my head and fell asleep too.

The guy cuddled closer to my chest, I blushed and began to walk towards my house.

When I arrived, I layed the guy gently on the couch and his cat on the love seat. Then I returned to my normal outfit that consisted of blue sleeveless jacket, black fingerless gloves, white skinny leather pants and black knee-high combat boots. My hair is also short and tied into a small side ponytail with blue ribbon (A/N: It's Edo-Lucy hairstyle.)

I brought the guy a blanket and a pillow. I took his clothes off (A/N: Don't even think about it, pervs) and I covered him with the blanket and placed the pillow under his head.

After that, I went to bedroom and I was going to sleep. But I stopped next to the mirror and I requipped into my underwear.

I looked into the mirror, I developed slender yet muscular body. Those crunches and push-ups have really paid off. I also managed to collect six more keys, one golden and five silver.

The golden key was Taurus the bull, while the silver were Lyra the Lyre, Horologium the Clock, Crux the Southern Cross, Phoenix the Firebird and Draco the Dragon.

I decided to go to sleep since I'm tired, I layed on my bed and fell asleep.


I woke up in the morning by the sound of birds singing.

I requipped in my usual outfit, then I went to the living room and the pink haired guy and his cat were still sleeping.

I decided to make them breakfast since they might be hungry

(Natsu p.o.v)

I woke up by the smell of something cooking. Then I turned around to see the blonde haired girl cooking something and she was wearing a different outfit other than her ninja outfit.

I approached behind her back while she was cooking and tried to scare her, but she stuffed a bacon in my mouth and I ate it quickly.

Then she turned around and sat on the counter "Haven't your mother thought you not to sneak behind girls? That's not very nice, you know." She told me

God dammit, those muscles that she has on her arms are so intimidating and sexy if you ask me.

Wait, what!? Did I just said that she has sexy muscles? Come on, brain! Work with me!

She touched my chin with her right hand, speaking "I'm not a simple girl, just so you know. When some guy flirts with me, I just walk away uniterested. When a perv looks at my boobs instead of my eyes while talking to me, I just punch him in the face. When there's a stalker, I just break his legs. But you, I don't know what to do with you." she said the last sentence to herself, but I heard it.

I yelled in defense "Whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm not a perv or a stalker or anything like that. Who do you think I am!? Ice Princess or Macao and Wakaba or even LOKE!?"

She was confused "Are you talking about that playboy? Pfft! I could never date a guy who flirts with every hot chick he sees. And I don't know who are these guys or girl you just mentioned, but go back to the living room so I can make you and your cat breakfast."

The Star Maiden (Fairy Tail Nalu Fanfiction) (Being Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now