The Battle Of Fairy Tail

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A/N: Hello everybody. Hope you all enjoy the new chapter.

(Lucy p.o.v)

We stared at the enchancement that showed the duels between our guildmembers. The numbers were lowering as Master was frustrated.

"What is wrong with those kids?! Have they gone mad?!" Master exclaimed in anger.

I looked back at the girls "This is no use. We have to free the girls somehow by forcing Evergreen to turn them back to normal."

Natsu was also angered by this and he was clenching his fists in anger as everyone stared at him.

"Damn those Black Cross bastards! Why won't they leave us alone?!" He said in anger.

I looked down. It's obvious that this is my fault and they won't stop until I'm dead. There is one thing I need to do to save the girls.

Then Gajeel and Lily came out of the bar, with the former eating some iron parts.

"Gajeel! What are you doing here?!" Happy asked.

"He's eating the dishes, too!" Natsu said.

"Gajeel, will you fight for the guild?" Master asked.

Fortunately for us, Gajeel smirked and came out of the bar "Yeah, I've gotta score to settle with that punk." He said walking out of the guild "Don't worry, I've got this."

But he also was affected by this invisble barrier that shocked the rest of us. He placed his hand in the wall at confusion.

"Don't tell me you're over 80 too!" Natsu said.

"Do I look 80 to you?!" Gajeel talked back.

Then we saw the numbers were going down until it was only seven contestants left which shocked the master even more.

Natsu and Gajeel began bickering about is the latter copying the pinkette which angered the black haired man.

"I can't believe this. You're the only ones left?!" Master asked staring at all of us.

"What about me and Lily?! We're the members of Fairy Tail too?!" Happy exclaimed.

Lily spoke "I believe Laxus doesn't count us since he thinks we're just ordinary cats."

Master was shocked by the fact there is nobody left to take down his grandson. Then he looked at Wally, noticing that he had glasses on him. That gave him an idea.

"Wally, you go and take down Evergreen then force her to turn the girls back to normal." He ordered.

Wally was shocked "Why me?! Do you want me to get turned into stone?!"

Then, Simon spoke "Perhaps Master Makarov is right. Eye magic cannot affect those who wear glasses. You can use your Polygon magic to trap her and force her to bring back Erza and other girls back to normal."

"And if she doesn't comply, cut her face. I saw how egoistic she was, so few scars on her face should change her mind." I said.

At that, Wally smirked evily and nodded "Alright then. I hate girls who are full of themselves."

Happy was confused "Why are you calling yourself dandy all the time?"

He replied "There is a difference between dandyness and arrogance, kitty cat. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go hunt down some arrogant bitch."

"We're going with you. I'm not going to stay back here while Big Sister's life is in danger." Shô said. Simon and Millianna nodded.

"I'm going too. I wanted to kick that lightning dick's ass the moment I met him!" I replied.

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