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eight years

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eight years.

eight long years have passed and so far, taeil lived a good life. all those years of studying, he finally had a stable job. a job enough to pay all the debts caused by his parents. after graduating as a top student with countable medals and awards here and there, taeil settled in being a principal in the school where he graduated in. the pay may not be that high despite of the position he is in but it's already enough fof taeil to live a happy life.

not to sound like a bad child but the day after graduating, taeil's parents died after going out at that specific night to drink, guessing that they were out to fight till death met them, and a small part of taeil felt relieved. not like they were the most ideal parents for him, they were the type to order him around, making him force work, and coming home late being drunk. taeil couldn't actually say that he was completely happy of their death, it actually made his life worse because out their debts that were now entrusted to him that up until now he was still being chased by loan sharks. luckily for him, his salary was enough to pay them slowly and slowly.

but even with all that, taeil still managed to live life happily. the only memory he has left for his family was the flower shop which his late great grandfather owned and was handed down to him. it is that old. taeil was just thankful that a friend of his volunteered to watch over the flower shop while he does his job in school, that friend is no other than yuta.

speaking of friends, everyone of them already has a family of their own and even has kids already. some started earlier before they even get to graduated but managed to take responsibility to it. meanwhile, taeil here is living a single life. he was happy nonetheless, no stress and no one to control your life. he can do whatever he wants to do but sometimes he just gets lonely. whenever he's bored and wants a hangout, everyone of them are busy with their families. everytime he hangs out with them, he looks like a nanny taking care of their kids. funny, he's the oldest in their big group but he's also the last one to find someone. wait no, there's actually still one which he doesn't know his whereabouts but he won't admit that he cares.

sometimes, he just wish that he, too, has a family to take care of.

so,❞ johnny squirmed from his seat infront of taeil's desk. ❝why am i here again?

taeil removed his spectacles and removed his attention from the school record down to his table. ❝well mr. seo, your son was caught making out with a senior and don't you know it's breaking the rules?

johnny scoffed at what taeil said. ❝don't be so formal with me taeil, we are friends.

we are in school grounds.❞ the principal said sternly, looking back down to his school records while typing something down on his laptop.

johnny, being the rebellious kind, brought his feet up and surprised taeil when he settled it down on his desk. ❝you just got to chill you know? being a principal is probably stressful.

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