⌜ seventeen ⌟

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doyoung widened his eyes once he heard his daughter addressing the visor he brought as her papa, which he didn't expect her to do so even though it's his fault why she got to call taeil that. ❝minyoung, no.

no what?❞ the little girl titled her head to the side and gave her father one innocent look as if she doesn't know what she is doing right now.

doyoung chuckled nervously while turning to the side to check on taeil. the short male standing right next to him was frozen and doyoung guessed that taeil might have been uncomfortable hearing a little call him papa. little did doyoung know, that isn't what's going on inside the older's head.

minyoung,❞ doyoung took steps closer to his daughter and leaned down to the sofa to match her height and to also whisper something to her. ❝can we talk?

she is fully aware that she's making everything awkward and also surprising but no one can blame, she also doesn't know what to do. ❝can't we talk here with papa?

p-papa?❞ doyoung's face heated upon hearing his daughter call taeil her papa, it was more like accepting him in the family. but, doyoung honestly doesn't know if he should be happy about it or panic at the thought of the dinner possibly being ruined already without it even starting. ❝i'm sure he's going to be fine waiting for us, right taeil?

the frozen male blinked and was snapped out from his thoughts once he heard his name being called out. ❝huh?❞ he stood there looking at the father and daughter by the sofa while recalling doyoung's last words and nodded his head after. ❝hm.

it won't take long.❞ doyoung didn't know why but he felt the need to apologize to taeil. he then excused himself from the older with a bow while dragging his daughter down from the sofa. ❝you can call one of the maids here if you need help.

taeil could only nod, like as if he has any other options to do. his eyes travelled down from doyoung to the little girl that's holding his large hand and had his lips pressed into a thin while he looked at her.

everything somehow came to his head and found himself stupid enough to not know about minyoung being doyoung's daughter. he did thought of it and took a wild guess but he was dumb to shrug off his gut feeling.

now that he managed to collect himself at the surprising information that just went to his head, he called out the little girl's name once again. ❝min—

but was too late since her daddy dragged her quickly up to his room.

maybe he can find away later. for now, he should mind his own business and tour around the place while the two of them have whatever talk they'll have.

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