⌜ thiry five ⌟

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i can't believe we have gotten this far uwu

i can't believe we have gotten this far uwu

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that ends our meeting for today.❞ doyoung said with a clap of his hands before he quickly went to shut his laptop down and bring it with him as he made his way out of the room.

he excused himself from other business men who wanted to talk to him and left the room in a hurry since he was running late in picking up minyoung. he would have went to ask the drivers to do it for him so nothing will come to his way in work but he's taking this chance to be with his daughter more now that he's assigned here in the city. plus, it's his responsibility and he shouldn't run away from it.

and just as he was going to his office, he saw his secretary panting towards him and by seeing that he could already guess that nothing good just happened. ❝what is it this time?

sir, i'm very sorry to say this but someone just barged inside the building and went straight to your office.❞ she said, her legs shaking once she received a glare from doyoung. ❝i threatened him to stop but he told me that he'll throw me out of the window if i take another step closer to him.

he didn't have to be told to who it is, he already knew who. and really, it's shocking to see that the person has so much power that even his wokers are scared of him and would just let him be as if he owned this place. doyoung let out a sigh, should he just try to get used to this? ❝next time, just let him be.

the secretary then nodded her head and took a bow as doyoung left her there and had finally got to arrive at his own office. it wasn't lock and neither was he even planning to knock the door so he just opened it immediately and was surprised to see his once messed up office being shining clean.

oh, you're here.❞ the person doing all these then put the last stack of papers up to the shelves and went down from the chair he took that's across doyoung's desk. ❝i thought you'd be taking long.

when did you arrive?❞ doyoung went to his desk and had never seen it so clean.

an hour ago.

taeil, what are you doing here?❞ doyoung removed his eyes from his shining desk and turned to the short male that's still in the middle of cleaning.

i just thought that you needed help.❞ taeil said while properly putting the books up to the bookshelf inside doyoung's office. ❝since we just arrived from out getaway, you must be packed with a lot of things to do.

he's not wrong, doyoung did get busy. the moment he step foot inside the building, a lot of them run up to him and asked for a signature, giving him envelopes with files in it, and even asked for instructions. doyoung wanted to blow up but then it was his choice to go out to the short vacation he has with his friends so he needs to pay the price of leaving work.

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