⌜ twelve ⌟

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i only agreed just because you put an effort in asking me out.❞ taeil said, looking away as they went to find a table for two inside the restaurant which doyoung chose for them to eat.

sure, if only going to the flower shop and telling him that he is a flower is already an effort for taeil then why not. that short male just won't admit that he also wanted to go out with doyoung because he missed him like crazy.

doyoung chuckled and nodded his head. ❝sure taeil.

he missed this, they missed this. they were well aware that they have nothing in between them but being acquaintances but seeing how they are now, they probably had forgotten the break up they had. whatever anyways, what's important is that they got to talk to each other like before.

there's an empty seat there!❞  taeil said, getting all giddy for some reasons, and took hold of doyoung's suit while he pointed at empty table by the window.

i can see that.❞ doyoung said with a smile but if you look closely, you could see him looking down at taeil's small hand gripping on his suit and not on the empty table that the older is pointing at.

taeil hopped in glee as they finally have a table after minutes of standing there but his mood immediately died down the moment he turned to doyoung and saw that the male was looking down at his hand clutching his suit. he quickly lets go of it and played with his fingers while looking down, ❝i'm sorry.

doyoung hid the disappointed frown on his face when taeil moved away from him and showed a small smile. ❝let's go before someone gets ahead of us.

the short male nodded his head as he only followed from behind, avoiding stress from people. he already expected to receive this kind of treatment. he looked like a kid with the oversized sweater he is wearing and doyoung looks like a busy father with his suit and tie on. not to mention about their height difference.

don't hesitate to pick anything.❞ doyoung said, picking up the menu down the table and eyed taeil who just scoffed at his sentence. a smile was then formed on his lips once he saw the older's eyes widening the moment he saw food in the menu.

not because of how yummy they looked, it's because of how expensive they are.

i'm suddenly not hungry.❞ taeil said with that nervous smile on his face as he put the menu down.

doyoung knew this is how taeil would react and he actually finds it cute. he also knows that no matter how much he convinces him to pick a dish from the menu, taeil would excuse himself and reason out that he just likes water. putting the menu down, doyoung called a waiter and said the dish he wanted to order, leaving taeil wide mouth as he listened doyoung mention a lot of unfamiliar dishes.

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