⌜ eight ⌟

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he heard the same voice again.

he wasn't the only one shouting for minyoung's name. he heard him but he couldn't see him. he tried looking around but only for a split second since his mind was all about quickly bringing the little girl to the school's clinic. as much as he wanted to see him, minyoung's health goes first.

mr. moon, are you listening?❞ the nurse then snapped the male out from his thoughts as she poked him.

taeil looked at her for a moment, spacing out, before blinking countless of times and giving her a sheepish smile. meaning, he wasn't paying attention. the nurse sighed and sat on her seat while shaking her head at the principal.

she mayhaps forgot to eat breakfast this morning which caused her to faint.❞ the nurse repeated, shortening her long explanation to why minyoung passed out.

taeil then widened his eyes and then clicked his tongue, reminding himself to talk to minyoung about that. ❝thank you nurse kim.

the nurse nodded her head before sending the principal one knowing smile. ❝i didn't know you have a daughter. what else have you been hiding from us?

the principal chuckled and waved his hand to deny that. ❝she's not my daughter.

oh really now?❞ every staffs and teachers were close with taeil and they always enjoy teasing the head. ❝then why was she calling you papa?

rubbing his nape nervously, he sat down at the sofa that's inside the clinic. ❝well, that's because—

he was then cut off by a phone call, a baby's lullaby that made taeil turn red when the nurse chuckled at his phone's ringtone. getting his phone from his pocket, taeil sighed when he saw one of his friends calling him and then went to excuse himself to the nurse.


"what do you do when a kid comes to you and calls you mama?"

pushing the door open with a snort, taeil was unable to reply when someone zoomed right inside the clinic but taeil didn't pay to much attention since he was in a phone call with kun who's probably facing a crisis.

leaning at a wall, taeil finally spoke. ❝what do you mean by that?

hearing some shuffling from the other side of the line, taeil could guess that kun was busy doing something. "i went for grocery shopping and upon walking home, a boy came to me hugging my legs and called me—"

mama.❞ taeil said, continuing kun's sentence and laughed at his friend's misery. ❝go and find his parents.

"he told me that i'm his mama! he— mama, carry."

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