⌜ thirty four ⌟

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hearing footsteps from behind, taeil can't help but sigh with a guess who is following him

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hearing footsteps from behind, taeil can't help but sigh with a guess who is following him. ❝taeyong, don't you have a class to report to?

being caught, taeyong placed a hand on his nape and chuckled nervously as he watched taeil turn around with a look on. ❝it starts five minutes from now.

and you're following me because?❞ taeil raised a brow as he waited for taeyong to answer. waiting for a minute, seems like taeyong can't make up a believable reason to cover up his purpose for following taeil. it doesn't matter, taeil already knows why he followed him. ❝i'm not going to do anything that can harm me, taeyong.

i'm just worried.❞ taeyong said with a pout. ❝you two just broke up and i thought you'd be so devastated about it.

we didn't break up, there was never an us.❞ the principal then turned his back on taeyong before continuing to walk to his office, fully aware that taeyong is following from behind. ❝and i assure you that what happened last night, with me crying and emptying two tissue boxes, with only stay at that moment. i'm fine now.

catching up to taeil, taeyong raised a brow. ❝are you sure?

i'm sure.

i don't think you are.❞ taeyong pressed his body at the door that leads to the principal's office, preventing taeil to get inside and have the power to kick him out of the room. ❝you're not being honest with me.

taeil rolled his eyes, trying to push taeyong away but the younger didn't even budge. ❝we have broken up countless of times, there's no way i'm not yet used to the heartaches.

that's when taeyong smirked while crossing his arms across his chest. ❝you said this isn't a break up.❞  he then eyed taeil with that look on. ❝admit it, it hurt like a break up.

you saw me cry my ass out last night, right? obviously, it hurt. i was already attached to them.❞ the short male said, just waiting for taeyong to be finished and leave.

and then what?

taeil then raised a brow, confused. taeyong looked like he was expecting for taeil to do something. ❝what do you want me to do?

this is not right!❞ taeyong raised his voice, startling a couple of highschool students that's passing by them. the teacher then took a bow as an apology and waited for the students to disappear from their sights before going back to taeil who looked completely not amused. ❝are you not going to do anything?

again,❞ taeil stood there, getting annoyed and impatient. ❝what do you want me to do?

talk to him.

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