⌜ twenty ⌟

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really, bro

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really, bro. minyoung sat there while containing her loud laugh after seeing how nervous her daddy is to the point that he couldn't even find the right words to say. like seriously, who on earth would call their loved ones 'bro'? she chuckled and found a very comfortable position to sit back and watch the show unfold, regretting not stopping by at a popcorn booth to buy a bag of it.

bro.❞ taeil repeated what the man said and scoffed. anyhows, it's not even part of the reason as to why he is right here. ❝why would you do it?

placing both his hands up for defense, doyoung looked away for taeil not to see the lie in his eyes. ❝i don't know what you are talking about.

don't act dumb.❞ the short male walked up to doyoung and trapped him by the desk. ❝i never asked for your help.

minyoung could only gasp at what's happening. never has she ever seen taeil act like that. she may have tried to annoy taeil but never did he blow up in front of her. this was the first and as bad as it sounds, she actually is enjoying it. especially when she could see how scared her daddy is, it's fun.

i don't—

taeil slammed his palms down the younger's glass looking desk, not even caring if it cracked. it made both doyoung shiver in fear, and minyoung flinch in surprise. ❝you paid the debts, the debts that i am supposed to be the one paying!

doyoung sighed. helping is a good deed but he didn't tell taeil about it so he also deserves this. he should have at least told taeil that he'll be paying the debts for him but then again, taeil would only turn down his help. ❝not like you have enough money for it.

taeil's jaw dropped. ❝are you looking down at me?❞ he moved away and huffed. ❝you just entered my life and even if we did have a past, you still don't know everything about me.

this was supposed to be a serious situation but minyoung just can't treat it like that. it was just like watching a drama where in the two main leads are having a love quarrel. satisfied with taeil's reply, minyoung's eyes then went to doyoung and waited for what he has to say. again, she regretted not buying a bag of popcorns for this.

trust me, doyoung is holding himself from snapping at taeil. he didn't want to have a bad impression from the older, not when he just started to prove himself that he deserves another chance. that their relationship deserves a chance and also deserves a happy ending.

but taeil is making it hard for him. standing up properly on his place and towering over taeil, the short male took a step back when doyoung suddenly got so stern. ❝this is what's wrong with you.

taeil didn't want to look weak but doyoung just looks like he could kill anyone on the spot.

you never want to accept a helping hand.❞ doyoung said, the winning side on his. ❝even when you know that you badly need it, you still won't ask for any help neither do you accept any help.

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