⌜ thirty seven ⌟

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it was something neither of them both expected

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it was something neither of them both expected. they would usually have fights for so long and would wait till one drops their prude just to apologize, it was odd for them to solve their problem so quickly in just a day passing by. not like they are complaining about it, they actually are learning something from it. their friends were right, especially taeyong. having fights in a relationship is just an obstacle that needs to be dealt together, not letting it being the reason of a break up. they just have to be strong, that's something they have learned.

after six break ups,❞ doyoung spoke as he drove the car to a familiar looking school. ❝seven if you include this one.

taeil raised his head up from his phone and then let out a chuckle once he turned to face doyoung who's eyes are on the road. ❝is that what you've been thinking about all these time?

was i spacing out for too long?

ever since we got inside the car.❞ taeil said with a shrug. ❝and this isn't included, so technically we only have six break ups in total.

minyoung, who can't help but listen to their conversation from behind, just scoffed. ❝you two talk about it so casually.

princess what did i tell you about joining in an adult's conversation?❞ doyoung said sternly, eyeing his daughter for a quick second.

taeil rolled his eyes as he hit doyoung softly by the arm. ❝let her be, you bad bunny.❞ and then turned around to give the pouting girl a sweet smile. ❝little angel, you'll know when you get older.

getting used to that famous line already, the little girl crossed her arms with a huff and decided to just let the two adults be. not like she'll understand a thing they would talk about anyways.

noticing the silence, doyoung took this chance to speak again. ❝anyways, is that last chance still available?

taeil opened his mouth to say something but then closed it when a thought came in mind. he stayed silent for a while before speaking with a smile on his face. ❝shouldn't i be asking you that?

doyoung parked his car right in front of the school gates and faced taeil with his eyes wide and brows furrowed in confusion. ❝what?

removing his seat belt, taeil stayed seated for a while as he still has more to say before he goes out of the car. ❝i don't want to make it seem like it is only you who wants this relationship to work again.❞ he said, looking down to see doyoung's hand resting on his lap. he then took it and wrapped his own slightly small ones on the male's large hands and caressed it very softly. ❝i also want this to work, i want us to happen again.

then,❞ doyoung leaned forward for their noses to touch, smiling at how peaceful taeil looked with his eyes closed. ❝are we willing to take this chance to work things out?

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