⌜ twenty seven ⌟

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❝i don't get it!❞

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i don't get it!

jaehyun and johnny flinched when they heard doyoung shout after being silent for an whole hour. while the others were enjoying on the beach, jaehyun, johnny and doyoung, along with yuta who went to buy ice cream for them, stayed behind to watc over the house.

but actually, the main reason is just them wanting to chill and not tire theirselves on the beach.

you okay?

doyoung groaned very loudly before hitting his back on the sofa's backrest. ❝no!

i'm watching a movie here so kindly be quiet?❞ johnny said as he hushed the loud bunny.

both jaehyun and doyoung gave them a look. ❝what a great friend you are.

thank you,❞ johnny said with a smile. ❝i don't get that alot.

ignoring johnny to not stress himself more, doyoung wriggled down the sofa with a whine escaping from his mouth. ❝i seriously don't get it.

jaehyun had his brows furrowed at doyoung, also wondering what's bugging him. ❝don't get what?

he wants me to surprise him.❞ doyoung finally said to them. jaehyun quickly understood what who meant by it and doyoung went back to going crazy as he clutched his head and took a fistful of his hair. ❝but how do i do that?!

johnny's gasp in awe then caught the two's attention. they turned to the male that's so into the move and saw him looking at his fingers. ❝i also want to shoot fire with my fingers.

since johnny was obviously of no help, both jaehyun and doyoung hoped for yuta to arrive any minute from now with their ice creams. it may probably also help doyoung ice down his frustration. in the mean time, they are stuck there listening to johnny talking about vampires.

imagine how painful it would be. like, just imagine.❞ he said with his hands doing a lot of gestures. ❝fangs getting into your skin and blood trickling out.

hasn't ten done that to you already?❞ jaehyun question, quite unsure.

not to the point that blood came out.❞ johnny then clapped his hands as he paused the movie he is watching. ❝and oh, vampires have like these special ability. awesome.

since yuta is taking long, might as well join with johnny in his topic about vampires. ❝cool, i'd like to control things with my mind.

oh, like telepathy?

doyoung furrowed his at johnny's guess. ❝isn't in telekinesis?

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