⌜ twenty eight ⌟

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with a bright smile and determined spirit, doyoung clapped his hands so loud that caught the people's attention

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with a bright smile and determined spirit, doyoung clapped his hands so loud that caught the people's attention. ❝where do i start?

lucas looked up with curious eyes before leaning towards johnny who's peacefully eating popcorn. ❝what is he talking about?

unfortunately, johnny had no idea so he couldn't answer lucas' question but he was part of the people that doyoung gathered to this so called meeting of his. along with four others that are yuta, doyoung, kun, and ten. why is ten here? because johnny didn't want his lover to be separated with him after hearing that someone flirted with him yesterday. it angered johnny to the point he almost tracked that person down.

why am i here again?❞ kun asked as he yawned, wanting to kill doyoung for waking him up when he didn't want to but he was tired to do so.

doyoung only gave him a sweet smile. ❝because, my friend, i don't want you to stick to taeil.

ten ten gave doyoung a look. ❝but he's close with taeil.

doyoung ignored the fact ten said and went back to his point of this meeting. ❝so, any suggestions? im open for it.

jaehyun hummed as he had his finger tapping on his chin. ❝how about you start with admitting that you had needs yesterday?

doyoung froze his smile once he heard jaehyun being the first one to suggest, it isn't even anything useful. ❝thank you, next.❞

he didn't want to talk about it obviously. when he went to the bathroom downstairs, he was a bit loud when his imagination went wild. a little problem that he really didn't took it seriously. he heard footsteps from outside the bathroom, it probably was jaehyun and this is how he knows about it. this is why he is smirking right now, knowing something very well.

what is this all about?❞ kun questioned, asking each one and hoping someone would at least answer.

jaehyun then turned his victim to the chinese who is just there just because doyoung didn't want him to get near to taeil. ❝i'll tell you if you tell us about the kid that called you mama.

his jaw then dropped, staring at jaehyun's weird look for a while before diverting his gaze to doyoung as he had his index finger pointed at jaehyun. ❝is he always like this?

he just happens to know everything.❞ doyoung shrugged. ❝it's crazy, i know.

i remember him being so quiet and cool, also a gentleman, back then.❞ kun mumbled with a pout, maybe he's hanging out too much with the three idiots which is why he's missing a lot.

lucas then threw an arm around kun's shoulders. ❝he's just getting on your good side since you're close with taeyong.❞ and then pointed at doyoung, who is looking so innocent as if he hadn't done anything wrong, ❝same goes for doyoung.

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