⌜ ten ⌟

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well, it wasn't the meet up taeil had expected. all they did was cry and give each other tight hugs for the longest time, taeyong and jaehyun just silently and patiently waiting for them to be over it. it did take long but taeil and doyoung can't take it, they just miss each other so much.

but after that, they were awkward.

taeil is just thankful that taeyong is there and doyoung is very grateful to have jaehyun there. but it doesn't matter anymore, what's important is that they have finally met each other after years of being separated.

but for a moment there, they somehow forgot about the relationship they ended years ago.

ah, why am i crying?❞ taeil whined, getting a tissue from the tissue box on his desk, earning a shrug from taeyong who's sitting across him.

the teacher then leaned towards taeil and went to see what he is watching from his laptop. ❝maybe because you're watching a kdrama?

yeah, maybe that's it.❞ the principal said, blowing his nose on the tissue he used to wipe his tears. ❝it's not even a tearjerker.

now seeing that it isn't the drama's reason why taeil is crying made taeyong smile. he then leaned back from his seat and ate the apple while giving taeil a look. ❝so tell me..

tell you what?

how was it?

how was what?

taeyong rolled his eyes at taeil who's either pretending to be dumb or is actually just dumb. ❝meeting him.

a smile was then shown on taeil's lip and didn't even notice the tears slowly falling down from his eyes. ❝well, i'm just glad that we aren't separated anymore.


and my feelings for him came back.❞ taeil chuckled, looking down at the keyboard of his laptop. ❝not like it disappeared anyways.

hearing the older say those so casually like nothing happened between them made taeyong smile like a proud parent. it has been so long since he saw taeil looking like that, looking so in love. taeyong had tried setting him up on dates and it always fails so miserably, taeil won't even have that smile on his face whenever he tells what happened during the date. and a simple meet up with only a tight hug can already make taeil smile and cry at the same time.

this is how love does to you.

but that smile turned into a frown and made taeyong wonder why. ❝then i realized, we broke up already. we don't know what happened to him throughout these years.

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