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maybe attending this so called reunion is a bad idea

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maybe attending this so called reunion is a bad idea. taeil should have known, his friends were always a mess despite of being adults and having a family of their own. he was thirty minutes late before of some teacher complaining in school about how troublesome her advisory class is. without for that teacher, taeil could have went together with taeyong who's also teaching in that school he is the head of but he decided to stay and listened to the poor teacher's problem with her class.

and coming here, taeil already had the urge to go home and sleep instead of joining the mess here.

sicheng, sorry princess.❞ yuta apologized, looking like he was about to cry. ❝i didn't mean to accidentally throw rin inside the washing machine.

but his beloved only crossed his arms and looked away at japanese who's now kneeling down the ground. ❝i can't believe you mistook him as a shirt.

eyes turning to the side, taeil couldn't help but squint his eyes at the soght of yuta romantically giving a bouquet of flowers to sicheng who's ignoring him. he guessed that those flowers were from his flower shop but he decided not to scold yuta for getting it since he's the one looking out after all.

so my son is dating your son.❞ johnny then drank for what seemed like his nth cup of alcohol. ❝ain't that wonderful?

lucas, joining the already drunk male, also drank his own cup and nodded his head. ❝i'm so ready to see little wongs running around the house.

little suhs, you mean.

turning to the side, lucas shook his head as a no. ❝as you can see, my son is a top so the babies are going to be a wong.

placing a cup down, johnny kneeled down the sofa and had his fists clenched at lucas. ❝wanna fight wong?❞ he was so ready to square up just because lucas wanted their grandkids to be wongs.

bring it on suh!❞ lucas stood up and he cracked his knuckles, already this near to pounce at johnny.

meanwhile, their husbands stood at the side while sipping their safe apple juice, looking at the two who were already drunk as hell. ten then spoke at jungwoo who's sipping peacefully as if he was drinking tea. ❝should we stop them?

the uwu angel shrugged, jusr watching the two fighting. they were too drunk to even have a proper fight, punches being thrown everywhere but their faces and bodies. basically missing each other with punches. ❝let them regret in the morning.

two steps inside the house and taeil was already sure that he needed to leave. he still have to report to school tomorrow and unlike the others who has their own businesses and companies, he couldn't just take a leave because he joined this mess. but before he could sprint out, a familiar looking chinese bumped him.

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