⌜ twenty three ⌟

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you kissed him!?❞ taeyong shouted, not even letting taeil finish his story. ❝i can't believe you're that easy.


the teacher didn't even let him speak. ❝i mean, i'm not shocked at all. i should have just expected this since you two have a past and i should have known that you haven't moved on yet.


the male then chuckled but quickly put up a confused face, he was going crazy. ❝but i never knew it would be that easy. i probably have bet it to be at least after five more dates, ten bouquet of flowers, and fifteen more efforts of surprises till you give him a simple kiss.❞ not exaggerating things but that's actually how taeil accepted doyoung back then.


still not letting him speak, taeyong raised his hands in defense. ❝i'm not judging. maybe you just really missed the times being with him and decided to quickly take things. that's good actually, considering eight years of being separated.

i told you

but you kissed him just after that simple date!

listen to me you loudfuck!❞ the two paused and stared at each other after taeil snapped. the principal then realized what he had just addressed taeyong as and quickly covered his mouth. after then, he sighed. ❝just listen.

noticing that he talked to much already, taeyong nodded his head and motioned his fingers zipping his mouth. taeil sat down properly on his seat and leaned back, composing himself. he was also trying to find the right words to say so taeyong won't misunderstand a thing.

i felt bad.❞ he started, giving taeyong look before the male would cut him off again and sprout his own opinion out. after making sure that taeyong will remain silent, taeil continued. ❝i could see his effort and i felt bad because i didn't want to appreciate it since my head was filled with hating the date just because i was forced into it.

you still kissed❞ taeyong stopped his sentence after seeing a glare from the older. he then gave him a sweet smile before letting him continue.

i then decided to just enjoy it, a date is a date after all.❞ his lips curved up upon recalling the sweet date he had with doyoung. ❝about the kiss..

and the part taeyong has been waiting for taeil to explain, the kiss.

part of it was my thank you for the date he forced me into, i genuinely enjoyed the day with him.❞ taeil said, finally clearing that part with taeyong. ❝and the other part was just mainly me wanting to play with doyoung.

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