⌜ nineteen ⌟

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gosh,❞ taeyong got frustrated and dropped his lunch box down to taeil's desk, a loud thud echoing inside the principal's office. ❝how can they be so impatient?!

taeil felt the same way but there was no use of getting mad, he could only whine and cry about it. the loan sharks that came to visit him last night gave him two days till he could pay the debt or else they get to own taeil's flower shop and make it to what they want. not to mention that they aren't the only ones taeil needs to pay. he even had the guts to think about dating when he can't even support himself first.

just let us pay it for you.❞ taeyong insisted, looking at the stressed out principal. ❝i'm sure jaehyun won't mind.

brushing his messed up hair, taeil gave taeyong a smile but then shook his head as a no. ❝it's my problem, taeyong.

hyung this is not the time to turn down a helping hand.❞ the younger male then held his hand. ❝you need the help.

he does need it, so badly, but he didn't want to bring other people to his problem. he didn't want to burden taeyong neither any of his friends. look at taeyong now, worrying over something that he is not included in, taeil doesn't want that. he didn't want anyone to worry which is why his next option is to lie so he could convince taeyong that he can fix this situation.

the money i saved is enough for it.❞ taeil said, completely lying but he somehow convinced taeyong. ❝i just need to go and get it from my bank account.

really?❞ he may sound like he's telling the truth but taeyong had his eyes squinted, not fully believing him.

yeah later, after the kids are dismissed.❞ the older nodded his head and finally made taeyong give up in making taeil accept his help.

just as taeyong was about to say something, probably make a deal to pay half so taeil could at least have something left in his bank account, a knock made the two adults turn their heads to the door. taeyong stood up from his seat and went over to the door to open it and they got to see a little girl being covered by a big ass bouquet of roses. taeyong wanted to coo at the sight but he first wondered why the student is holding a bouquet of roses.

it wasn't for him, that's for sure, which is why taeyong took this as a sign to leave taeil's office.

i better go.❞ taeyong turned around and started to pack up his lunchbox. ❝i'll be starting my class in about five minutes.

taeil raised a brow at the teacher who's obviously wanting to leave because he knew they needed time alone. ❝you haven't finished your lunch, jaehyun is going to scold you.

i'm eating it during class hours.❞ taeyong chuckled before taking a bow and ruffling the little girl's hair before excusing himself and making sure to close the door after getting out.

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