⌜ special chapter ⌟

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i swear, i didn't forget.

oh.. fuck..❞ minyoung breathed out when she felt the male's warm hands going under her shirt and kept on caressing her sides.

taehyun let out deep chuckle when he heard her curse, which wasn't allowed in their household if you ask minyoung's parents. ❝you have such a bad mouth.

the girl smirked, placing a last kiss on the older's neck before pulling away and raised a brow at him. ❝teach my bad mouth a lesson then.

don't mind if i do.❞ licking his lower lip, taehyun squeezed his hold on the girl's slim waist as he leaned forward and capture the already bruised lips of his girlfriend.

with furrowed brows, minyoung pushed an inch away with a sigh as she snapped back to her senses. ❝what are we doing?❞ she asked, staring at taehyun who's obviously pissed at how minyoung just had to cut their make out session. ❝you're supposed to drive me to volleyball practice!

yeah, and do you think taehyun will actually leave without having a taste of her after seeing her with those tight short cyclings and a shirt hugging her own body? the male groaned as he lowered his head and settled butterfly kisses on the female's shoulder. ❝come on, we still have thirty minutes left.

pulling the older's face up and placing a short kiss, minyoung gave him a small smile before frowning and hitting him on his chest. standing up the next moment and fixing herself. ❝no. rin is going to get mad at me for being late.

rolling his eyes, taehyun pushed himself up from the girl's bed and grabbed his car keys by the lamp table. ❝thirty minutes, min. we have enough time and the school is just a ten-minute drive.

minyoung just listened to her boyfriend's complains as she stacked her extra shirt inside her athlete's bag and also her water bottle inside. this had happened before and with her being late, rin scolded her for it. having a friend as a volleyball captain doesn't really help a lot since rin shows no mercy no matter how close you are with him. if you break a rule, you'll taste his wrath. last time she was scolded by rin, she was just glad that jie came there just in time to stop him from shouting at her. gosh, if it were some other girls then they would have cried by how harsh rin's words were.

she still knew track and field was better but she wanted to be with rin so that leaves her to joining the volleyball team.

minyoung..❞ taehyun mumble to the girl's ear, wrapping his arms on her waist as he hugged her from behind. his lips trailed from behind her ear down to her exposed neck that showed faint hickeys that could be easily covered with foundation.

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