⌜ thirty eight ⌟

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do i look great?

minyoung stared up with a bored look as she lost count on how many times her father had came to her room. ❝that's like, your seventh suit and this is going to be my third time saying a yes.

i feel like this doesn't fit me very well.❞ using the body mirror inside the girl's room, doyoung used it to see his outfit from top to bottom. ❝i think the last one looked more romantic.

minyoung groaned at doyoung's comment on his suit. ❝what's the difference? it's only the color that changed.❞ she said, finding every detail of his father's black suit the same as the white one he wore before this.

or should i wear the red one?

dad!❞ minyoung snapped, not only was she getting tired of giving comments on every clothing her father would wear but she also pitied on the maids that doyoung would always order around to get clothes for him to wear. he even asked one of the drivers to pick up the tuxedo from a boutique only for him to disregard the tuxedo because of it's poorly thought out design. ❝you're acting like a teenage girl i have seen in movies that would take the whole day looking good for their date.

i am going out on a date, you're right about that.❞ then doyoung shrugged after deciding to wear the red formal suit, wanting to judge it again. ❝but i am not a teenage girl.

you're acting like one.❞ minyoung jumped down from her bed and took the red suit from the maids before doyoung does and hid it behind her back, ❝you don't have to look perfect, papa loves you just the way you are.❞ she said, ❝you're going to wear your pajamas in that fancy restaurant you guys are going to and he'll still going to love you.

little min,❞ doyoung crouched down and gave her a smile. ❝this is going to be our first formal date after years of being separated, i have to look good and be perfect for him.

he doesn't love you because you're perfect.❞ she doesn't even know where these words came from, she just trusts her head to say something to convince her father that he'll look good in whatever he wears. ❝he loves you because you're imperfect.

hearing it coming from his own daughter made doyoung smile. he then looked up to one of the maids and raised a brow at her, ❝did you record it?

with brows furrowed in confusion, minyoung turned around and saw her father's phone being on the maid's hand before she looked up and saw the maid nod her head. minyoung then had her jaw dropped as she turned back to doyoung. ❝you recorded it!?

doyoung gave her an innocent smile, ❝for future purposes.❞ before standing up and going to the body mirror to check himself out once more, still finding the suit he's wearing very odd for him to wear. ❝i'll be letting yourself hear that if ever you panic when taehyun asks you out on a date.

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