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The green haired boy, saw the hand and smiled. Walking towards his friend.

At first they sat in silence as Todoroki tried his best not to say anything about what had just happened. Midoriya decided not to say anything either, because he felt bad for not talking to Todoroki the whole day. So they didn't say anything.

Until, Todoroki had enough. He decided he would write instead of speaking. So he grab one of Midoriya's sticky notes. And passed it to Midoriya.

"Where were you?" The sticky note read.

"I had to leave early to get ready and help the nurse. Didn't you read the note?" Midoriya handed the note back.

Todoroki looked at it confused. He was sure he looked everywhere. Yet he managed to miss a note.

"Oh. What note?"

"The one I left on the table."

"No." Todoroki mentally face palmed. 'Wow, I'm such an idiot.' He thought to himslef.

They sat in silence as Midoriya didn't seem to pass the note back to him at any moment. Soon class ended.

"Todoroki-kun, I'm sorry for not telling you."Midoriya spoke up timidly.

"It's fine."

Midoriya was still unsatisfied as they walked quietly out of the school. They were so close to Todoroki's house when the taller male suddenly turned around.

"Ah! You scared me!" Midoriya was startled by Todoroki's sudden actions.

"Sorry, but you forgot your phone." Todoroki handed Midoriya his phone.

"Ah, that's why I couldn't find it! Thanks!"

"Yeah. You should head home."

Todoroki felt like he needed some alone time after the panic attack he had in the morning. He didn't mean to sound mean.

"R-right. I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Alright." Todoroki waved. "See you."

Midoriya couldn't help but stare at Todoroki. He looked so calm under the sun's light. It made him happy.

"Bye!" He waved back. Soon the other male was gone.

Midoriya let out a sigh and made his way torwards his parents house. While he walked he decided to stop by one of his friend's work. A very close friend.


"Welcome." Said a deep voice.

Midoriya smiled at Bakugou as the blond cleaned one of the cafe's windows. He didn't turn around so Midoriya thought he would sneak up on him, and scare him.

It was a bad choice.


"AH! WHAT THE F-" Bakugou jumped slightly, clearly scared.

"Bad Kacchan! Don't say bad words." Midoriya scolded him.

Bakugou was now glaring at him in pure anger. The angry blond tighted his grip on the rag he was using to clean.

"DEKU!" Bakugou yelled and chased Midoriya around the small cafe. The other co-workers were laughing as they watched the two boys . Soon Midoriya collapsed on one of the booths causing Bakugou to calm down a bit. "Nerd. What do you want."

"Ah, well. I just came to see how you were doing. You know I care about you." Midoriya smiled at him. Only to get a 'tch' back. "So, how are you doing?"

Bakugou sat down infront of him putting a hand on his check. He looked deep in thought.

"Fucking horrible." Bakugou said and sulked in his seat. Midoriya's smile fadded as he knew his close friend was troubled.

"Kacchan. I know that having to live on your own is hard, especially when you don't have a lot of money, but you've got to stay strong." Bakugou gave him a little glare. Midoriya sighed, as he knew he wasn't helping.

"Are you just going to tell me everything I already know."

"No. What I'm trying to say is that, I hope you keep pushing forward. I don't like seeing you sad." Midoriya was really worried for Bakugou. He had lost many jobs and he got kicked out of his parent's  house. He even had to stop going to school, becuase of work.

"Tch. I'm not fucking sad. Just could be better. Anyway lets not talk about me. How have you been. Even though I don't care." Bakugou said. Midoriya smiled as he knew the blond cared a bit.

"Well, things are normal. I do what I do daily, nothing has changed. Todoroki has been a little wierd lately, it scares me-"

"Deku. I really thought you came here to talk to me about it, but it seems like you don't know." Bakugou suddenly spoke.

"What do you mean?" Midoriya asked confused. Bakugou let out a sigh and got up.

"When you find out, just know that I'm always fucking working so you know where to find my ass."

Midoriya sat there as Bakugou walked away, and continued to clean the windows. 'What was that about?' He thought to himself.

He stood up and walked out, but before he left, he made sure to leave some cash by the register.

Hi! I know this was short but I wanted to leave the next part for the next chapter so I hope you guys can understand that. :)

Anyway just wanted to clarify a few things:

•They are college students

•Todoroki lives by himself because he is a rich boy, and decided to live on his own.

•Bakugou and Midoriya are a bit closer in this story, because we all need some nice friendship moments between them. Especially since we never get any ;-;

I think that's all for now. Thank you for reading this book! I'm really excited to continue it!

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