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Midoriya stayed seated as he waited for the man to come back.

After talking more about his mother and some more information, the man said he would look more into it. So he told Midoriya to wait while he went through some files.

Izuku is patient. He could wait forever for more information about the man and what exactly happened. He knew something was going on. Something almost evil like. It pained him to think about things so wrong. Yet something told him to keep looking into it. So that's what he would do.

"Izuku Midoriya." He heard the man say front the counter, and he stood up quickly and walked over. "I looked into the documents and I'm certain something is wrong."

Izuku felt relief but then worry seconds after.

"I don't want to alarm you but, the doctor that treated your mother never worked here."


The man sighed but he gave Midoriya a smile, though it looked a bit forced.

"Don't worry I will look more into it and the truth will come out soon. You don't need to worry, our security is high so we are sure to find whoever that man is." Midoriya nodded his head, acknowledging the man's words.
"In the meantime, I suggest you should meet with a detective so things can be solved faster. I'm sure everything will be fine."

Those words gave Midoriya hope. They warmed his insides and helped him stay on his feet. He let out a small sigh before looking back at the man with a gentle smile.

"I appreciate everything. Thank you."

"Your welcome. This hospital will make sure this doesn't happen ever again."


"No. I don't want to." Todoroki said before turning away from the man.

"Stop being so stubborn. Shouto, this is a big opportunity. The film is already going to be a big hit, but with you being apart of it, I'm sure it'll be even-"

"Okay, but what do I gain out of it? Sure I get money and popularity but that's not what I want in my life."

"What more could you ask for? You have everything. Are you unsatisfied? Do you want something more?" The man stood up going around the big desk. "You do know this would help the company and help us get bigger-"

"Help,you. I said no, okay?"
Todoroki was about to walk out but before he could reach the door a forceful hand grabbed onto his arm.

"You leave me no choice."
"I'm home!" Midoriya said as he took his shoes off at the front door. Then he placed his bag on the table where he found a empty pizza box.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Kirishima said joyfully before throwing an arm around the smaller boy. Midoriya could smell a sent of beer coming from the red head's mouth.

"I tried to stop him but in the end I was to tired to care." A raspy voice said from one of the sofa's in the living area. Bakugou sat there eating a pizza.

"Oh, no. This is bad." Midoriya gasped as he grabbed onto Kirishima who was falling backwards. "Kacchan! How could you let this happen?!"

Bakugou groaned as he saw the green haired boy start to panic. He obviously wanted nothing to do with the small situation going on across the room.

"When Kirishima gets drunk, well... he becomes a bit-"
A finger was placed onto his mouth. Kirishima's finger.

"Sshhh, Mido. If we aren't quiet they will find us." Kirishima tried to whisper but it came out loud in the end.

"He becomes very loud and honest. He will say everything he feels without holding back." Midoriya sighed as he held the taller guy and placed him on the chair next to them.

"And? Is that fucking bad?" Bakugou said before stuffing his mouth with another bite of the pizza.

"Well, no. But last time he got drunk, he came out to his parents during Thanksgiving and... things just weren't so great..." Izuku said while he grabbed the beer bottle Kirishima was just barely holding onto. "So he told me to never let him get drunk again. But here we are."

"Ha. That's so stupid. What an idiot." Bakugou laughed. "He is so childish."

Midoriya could only sigh in agreement.

"He can be, but when things are serious, he will be aswell. He's just happy right now." Kirishima began to snore which made the two boys laugh.

"Anyway, how'd it go?" Bakugou asked as he got up and began to clean up his trash.

"Good, actually. I got more information but it won't be enough. So I'm going to get serious because there is definitely something fishy going on." Bakugou just hummed as a sign he was paying attention.

"Good luck."
Just then the front door opened and in came the owner of the house.

"Hi." Was all the guy said before he took off his shoes and walked away and straight to his room.

"Tch. What's up with him? He sure has issues." Bakugou said.
Midoriya just stared at the blond. "What?"

".... I'll go talk to him. Can you get Kirishima to bed?" Midoriya asked and began to get up.

"Yeah, yeah. I got the idiot."

"Thanks." Midoriya said before he walked away and towards the bedroom. Soon he faced Todoroki's door. He hesitated a bit but then knocked.

".... Come in." Said a muffled voice from behind the door. And so Midoriya did just that.

At first he couldn't find Todoroki anywhere but then a small breeze from the side of the room helped find him. Todoroki was leaning against a bar on his balcony.

"...Todoroki. Are you okay? You seemed a bit tense when you came home. Everything alright?" Midoriya asked and came closer but not too close to give the other space.


"Yeah?" Midoriya was concerned at the sad voice his friend held so he came closer. He knew he needed a shoulder to lean on and Izuku would be there for him like he was for him. "Is everything alright?"

Todoroki was quiet but he turned his head to face Midoriya. His eyes were teary and red, hair a bit messy. He was clearly not okay.

Midoriya has never seen Todoroki like this. It was a painful sight. So instead of saying anything else, he did what he knew Todoroki needed most.

He softy grabbed the side of Todoroki's face and slowly wiped a few tears. Then he placed his forehead against his own.

They both need each other right now.

This chapter really hits where it hurts.

After watching the new episode. Lets all cry.

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