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"Hold it right there!"

Todoroki turned around to see lots of men with guns pointed right at them. Midoriya held his breath, fear flowing throughout his body. They were surrounded.

"Search the area for him." One of the men told the guy to his left. He seemed to be the one in charge. "When you find him, don't kill him. It's an order."

The guy nodded and began to walk a whole group towards the van. Midoriya moved to block the group but Todoroki's hand stopped him in his tracks.

"No." Was all he said. Midoriya stood still. "We can't do anything."

The group of men in all red were now surrounding the van, looking around for the key. Todoroki made sure to lock it when he realized the situation they were in. He had gave it to Midoriya when he stopped him.

"The doors are locked, sir." A man said directed towards the "boss".

"Search them." He said with a smirk as he saw Todoroki's face.
"First, check the scar one."

Todoroki knew this was Midoriya's chance. Now that all eyes were on the van and on him, the green haired boy threw the keys as far as he could.

"I heard something over there!" One of them said, escorting some of the men away.

"This isn't a game. Give up." The man in charge now said face to face with Todoroki. He was a bit taller, leaving him looking up. Still he didn't seem ashamed.
He just smirked.

"Fuck! I need to pee!"

"..." They all looked at Kaminari who was moving around weirdly. He did a little dance as he tried to hold his bladder. Just then he noticed the everyone looking and surrounding them with guns.

"Hi." He gave a little wave. "Do you, by any chance know where the bathroom is?"

One of the men pointed to the trees and bushes behind him. Kaminari gave his a forced smile and walked that way. Before he was stopped.

"What are you idiots doing!? Get that idiot!" The boss yelled. Just then a loud crash came from inside the van.

"Can't a guy get some fucking sleep!" Bakugou came out, prepared with the gun. He pointed it at the group of men."If any of you extras try anything funny, I'll shoot your face off and they'll be piecing you back together for weeks."

"Wow, it's a whole pack of kids. One them even has a gun! I'm so scared!" He laughed, and the others laughed along. "Look, I'll make this easy for all of us. Just give us what we came here for."

"How much?" Todoroki asked. The guy stared at him. "How much money do you want?"

He laughed. Everyone just looked at him as he let out the most loudest laughs .

"Ha.. Sorry, it's just that you are fucking hilarious! Money? No, no." He said as he walked towards Todoroki, gun in hand.
"Give us the kid."

"You can fuck off." Bakugou said as he pointed the gun at the boss. Seconds later, guns were pointed at him from everywhere.

"Four thousand."


"Twenty thousand."


"One million."

"Look kid, even if you did have all that money I would never make a deal with you. I get enough from the boss, your money is worthless." He began to pat Todoroki's coat. Slapping his face hard. Todoroki stumbled back but he never took his eyes of the man in red. "Save if for your future."

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