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While the two boys talked outside, Midoriya and Kirishima happily drank their coffee. But Kirishima kept on looking at the window, as if he was looking for something.

"What's wrong?" Midoriya asked, stuffing a cookie in his mouth.

"I-it's nothing! I was just looking at how things have changed since I was last here." He sighed. "I miss this place. It's so nice to be back."

"Mm, well I'm glad that you did come back. Things here haven't been the best so with you coming back, I think things will start to get better." Midoriya said honestly with a smile. Kirishima looked as he was on the verge of tears.

"Thanks, man. That has to be the nicest thing someone has said to me in... years?" He chuckled.
"Anyway, tell me about your, "friend" over there."

Midoriya looked to where he was pointing. Bakugou was leaning against a wall, a frown on his face.

"Oh. Kacchan." He sighed. "He... he is really mean and rude most of the time. He has a strong pride and likes to be the top in all things possible. He can seem a bit intimidating, BUT! Kacchan is a good person."

Kirishima raised an eyebrow, looking from the angry blond to Midoriya.
Bakugou was now arguing with Todoroki about something. His yelling could be slightly heard.

"... as I was saying. Kacchan has a good heart. He does his best in everything and never gives up! He is someone who will do anything to protect the ones he cares for. He is strong for people in need even when he is feeling weak." Midoriya began to mumble on and on.
Kirishima giggled.

"I guess, explosion boy isn't so bad after all."
"Why should I let you?" Todoroki asked the blond.

"Do you not fucking remember? Last time we met, you got me fired so now you owe me something." Bakugou growled.

"Oh. I forgot about that." He admitted. Making Bakugou more angry. "Okay. You can stay. My house is pretty big anyway."

"Tch. I'm doing this for Deku so don't think about us ever becoming friends." He said and walked past him going back inside.

Todoroki sighed to himself.

'Now I have three other people living with me... Is this a good idea? Probably not.' He thought to himself. Following Bakugou back in. 'It won't be so bad... right?'

I'm sorry for this short chapter! I wrote this at a doctor's appointment lmao.
I promise to update more!

Thank you guys for ready this. It means so much to me <3

And yes, some Kiribaku because it's the best :,)

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