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Todoroki sat down next to Midoriya. He looked horrible. Bags under his eyes. Yawns escaped his mouth multiple times while he waited for his pancakes.

Midoriya couldn't help but steal glances at him. Todoroki looked like he hasn't slept in days.

"How'd you sleep?" Bakugou laughed, shoving the plate at Todoroki.

"I don't know." Todoroki said. His voice was rough.

"What the fuck does-"

"Anyway! Are any of you free this afternoon?" Kirishima said joyfully, shifting the mood. Midoriya mentally thanked him.
"I really wanted to go around. See how things have changed, y'know?"

"Tch. That's stupid. Everything is boring here." Bakugou said as he stood up, walking towards the kitchen with dirty dishes.

"I'm sorry, Kirishima. I have classes today." Midoriya apologize.

"That's okay. What about you, Todo- I mean, Bakugou?" Kirishima asked. Midoriya noticed the quick change of names.

"Ha? Why the hell would I go with you, shitty hair." Kirishima sighed. Slowly turning to Todoroki.

"You know what? I think I won't even have time to explore. It would be to dangerous.." Kirishima whispered the last part. "Plus, you need rest Todoroki so I won't make you come with me for such a silly thing."

Kirishima laughed as he began to collect his dishes.

Todoroki just started at him without saying anything.
Midoriya felt the need to say something but nothing came from his mouth.
Bakugou put on his shoes, getting ready to leave the house. Shopping was very much needed. There was barely enough food to serve two, how the hell would they serve four.

So Bakugou, being the responsible one in the house at the moment, chose to run some errands.

As he walked down the road, he noticed a crowd close to the small convenience store he was going to.

"Is he really? Wow, I can't believe he would come here! What if I run into him?" A girl was talking to her friend as Bakugou passed by. It was really hard to not overhear.

"Then make sure to take a pic! You would become famous!" Another girl, who Bakugou assumed was her friend was also loud. "Or you could call and get a thousand dollars! Think girl, this is a one in a life time opportunity!"

Bakugou stopped walking. A thousand dollars? For what?
He shook his head before entering the store.

"Welcome!" Some girl with pink skin and hair said joyfully when he entered. He ignored her and made his way to the first isle.

Todoroki was forced to stay home.

As he lay in bed all he could think about was what kept him awake at night. Midoriya.

Ever since he realized his feelings, he couldn't sleep. He would stay up thinking about him. His freckles, his eyes, everything.

He also thought about rejection, or if he was ever going to confess. He was honestly scared to death.

Last night didn't help his case at all. When he was hugging Midoriya, he felt safe. He never wanted to let go. He wanted to stay there, close to him.

Todoroki sighed and turned to his side. He really couldn't sleep.

Midoriya finished his classes. He had to admit, it was boring without Todoroki. He also got a lot of homework. He was stressed enough, the four packets really didn't help.

He shoved everything in his backpack as he left the classroom. He had somewhere to go. He needed his questions answered.

"Deku?" A familiar voice called out to him as he walked. He turned to see Uraraka. One of his closest friends. "Hey!"

He gave a smile and waved. He would love to catch up with her but he had somewhere to be.

She smiled and stood in front of him. Her checks as pink as ever, eyes brown, friendly smile. Midoriya just couldn't walk away.

"How are you?" Uraraka asked. She clearly was hinting at something. Midoriya knew exactly what she meant.

"I'm good! Just missing her is all. And you?" Midoriya did his best to change the topic. Her smile became smaller, forming into a slight frown.

"Deku, I'm really sorry for what happened. She was a great person. So cheerful, kind, and beautiful. I still can't believe that she left so early. When I heard she died in a plane crash I-" Uraraka was trying to make Midoriya feel better, but it just made him a bit mad.

"Uraraka. I'm sorry but I have to get going. Talk to you later!" Midoriya said politely before waving good bye.

Kirishima couldn't help it. He was getting tired of just staying inside. He wanted to explore. So out he went.

He only bought a jacket with him. Usually he would bring a mask and cap but he wanted to walk around like everyone else did.

As he walked his eyes widened at the view. The water was beautiful. Sun shining bright making everything so colorful. The beach is a place Kirishima would always remember.

He's had so many memories here. With Todoroki, Midoriya, and his mother. Those moments are special. He treasures them.

He was young. Lived without a care in the world. He didn't have to worry about what everyone thought. He did what he wanted to.

He felt happy.

Kirishima brought his camera up to his face. He found a good angle and took a picture.

He smiled as he looked over it.
It was one of his best.

His hair was down, so not many people would notice him. He would admit he didn't like it as much as he did having it up. He thought it made him look kinda odd.

A cool breeze flew by making Kirishima sigh. It was a sigh of relief. He felt at peace.

He has wanted this for so long. Wanting to feel this feeling he hasn't felt in so long. He missed it so much.

It was why he left. He wanted to go where he grew up. Live like he used to. Without being famous. Without being followed. No cameras. No interviews.

He didn't want to be yelled at. He didn't want to be hurt, alone,  scared.

He wanted to be happy.

He wanted to be normal.

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