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Bakugou groaned as he opened his eyes. Covered by a thin, white blanket. Just by looking at the room, he realized where he was.

"Did hospitals always smell this dead?" He said. Todoroki and Midoriya looked at him with wide eyes. The green head quickly made his way towards the blonde.

"Kacchan!" He said, smiling brightly. Then out of nowhere he was hit on the shoulder. "How dare you get hurt! Next time I'll be the one-"

"Shh." Todoroki said softly, placing a hand on Midoriya's shoulder. "Let's not wake him up."

Todoroki said, gesturing towards Kirishima sleeping soundly by Bakugou's bed side. His both hands holding one of Bakugou's tightly.

"He's had no sleep since he stayed up taking care of you. Even if it's only been three days, he's been stressed and scared." Todoroki said quietly. Bakugou looked at the red head, he had dark circles under his eyes. "He blames himself for you getting hurt. He said that if it weren't for him, you'd be okay. All this has been really hard for him."

Midoriya sighed deeply, holding Todoroki close. Hands interlocked. Bakugou took notice and scoffed.

"Fucking finally. Icyhot gained some guts to ask,huh?" Midoriya gasped and hit Bakugou again. "Ouch! Gezz, take it easy on the wounded person here! Deku."

Midoriya pouted, as Todoroki let out a small chuckle. "You deserved that." Bakugou glared at him.

"I'm back with some chicken- Bakugou!" Denki yelled as he bounced into the room. Bags of food dropped from his hands. Sero, Mina, and Jirou all followed behind trying to save the food before it touched the floor.

"Fuck." Bakugou said as Denki hugged him tightly. "Let go. You're suffocating me!"

"Denki! The food!"

After they all relaxed, Jirou and Mina introduced themselves.

"Hi! I'm Mina Ashido! I work at the convince store close to Todoroki's house. I remember your blonde hair and red eyes! Nice to finally meet you!"

Bakugou nodded. He felt like he was back in school, when everyone introduced themselves to the class. It wasn't the best memory.

"Hi. I'm Kyoka Jirou, uh. I'm a DJ and I'm currently in a band, playing base. Sadly, I'm friends with Denks, Sero and Mina. I was dragged here but, it's nice to meet you anyway."

"We also made sure to bring Kirishima some meat. Can you make sure he eats after he wakes up?"


After that they decided to eat and talk more, before finally everyone left.

Todoroki waved goodbye while Midoriya hugged Bakugou, who struggled against it. Soon they found themselves walking peacefully towards Todoroki's car.

"I'm so tired! Can't wait to sleep!" Midoriya said as he stretched his arms out. Todoroki nodded as he drove them home.
"...I'm sorry."

"Why?" Todoroki asked taking small glances to look at him. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"I lied about not knowing what actually happened with my mom. I also put lots on your shoulder's and added to your problems. I even thought the worst, and gave up so easily that I tired to end my life." Todoroki frowned as he heard everything that came out of Midoriya's mouth.

"The thing I regret most is... I didn't think about you. I didn't realize that you were always there for me. I hate myself for not realizing that, you is all I need to continue living. Shouto, I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me."

Todoroki moved his hand to hold Midoriya's. Looking at him while the light was red. His eyes never leaving the green ones. He felt like time stopped for them.

"I forgive you for not realizing you loved me until three days ago." Midoriya's eyes widened and he laughed loudly, holding Todoroki's hand tightly.
"I also want to apologize for not showing you how much I loved you. I hope that now I can show you just how much I care and cherish you."

Midoriya chuckled as he looked at Todoroki with a soft smile.
"I hope I can show you that I won't take any of it for granted. Now let's go home so I can sleep!"

Todoroki laughed at Midoriya's small complaints that he won't get enough sleep to study the next day. After all, they did skip a few of their classes. They both need some catching up to do.

"Alright. Relax we're almost home."
Short chapter :((

Can I just say- THANK YOU ALL!! I never thought this book would get so much love, so I'm really sad to announce this... 
This fanfic will be coming to an end! Only two more chapters to come, and I hope you guys are ready!

I'm sorry but all things come to an end :( So please don't be sad!!

[I also want to say that my other book will be on hold until this one finishes! ]

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