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Midoriya walked along the quiet streets. It was a nice, comfortable silence.

His mind kept going back to the call with his 'stepdad'. The things he said were strange. They didn't sound directed towards Midoriya. At one point, it sounded like he was talking to himself.

That she was dead. Gone.

But what suprised him most was when he said things that made no sense.

"She was the one who jumped in front of the car!"

Something was weird. Midoriya needed to get to the bottom of this. So here he was, walking to the hospital.

The only person who would really know how his mother died, would be the doctor.
Bakugou placed the groceries on the table. Then he took them out of the bags they were in. Finally placing them where they belonged.

There were a lot of groceries, yet he didn't mind. Todoroki had given Bakugou a card with lots of money. So Bakugou wouldn't and couldn't complain.

Still he was still shocked at the amount of money it had.
'Where the hell does this guy get this money?"

Bakugou began to think the worst. Scoffing to himself.
He began getting out some ingredients to make dinner.

"Where'd you learn to cook?" A voice said from beside Bakugou as he was finishing up. He knew it was Todoroki from his usual monotone voice.

"Tch. I was born with talent. Self taught." Bakugou said as he turned off the stove turning to look at the slightly taller male. Todoroki just nodded slowly.

"Anyway, why aren't you in bed? And where is shitty hair?" Bakugou looked around, noticing the strangely quiet living room.  Todoroki only shrugged his shoulders in response.

"I thought you knew since I just woke up. Kirishima is loud so it's somewhat shocking how he could sneak out." Bakugou nodded. Just then the door opened. 

"I'm back! Oh, Todoroki you feeling better?" The said red head waved as he entered the house, a small bag in his hands.  


"That's great!" Kirishima walked towards them, then smiled before turning to walk away. They stood there confused.

"What the fuck is up with him? Looks all happy and shit." Bakugou mumbled as he grabbed himself a plate. 

"Hmm.." Todoroki said as he brought his phone out. He sighed as he read the many text he got from his father. He completely forgot about his work. "I'll be going soon, have work."

It didn't seem like Bakugou was going to give him any response or goodbye so he walked away.
Kirishima walked out of his room humming a melody as he walked into the living room. Bakugou's head shot up as soon as he heard the other coming.

"Why the fuck are you so happy?" Bakugou asked Kirishima as he sat down on the other sofa.

"What do you mean? I'm always like this." He smiled at Bakugou.

"You're an idiot. Just tell me."

"It's nothing much, I just feel happy. It's been a while since I've got to live like this so I can't help but smile." Kirishima admitted.

"Are you a child?"
Kirishima laughed.

"No, but.. yes." Bakugou sighed.
"So whatcha up to?"

"Watching this stupid movie. I couldn't find anything better to do. I'm bored." Bakugou said as he leaned back into the sofa.

"Hey, I know. I wanna go somewhere."Kirishima said and got up. "Wanna come with?"

Bakugou was quiet as he watched the tv but then he sighed before grabbing the controller.

Todoroki sat at the lobby. Many people around him stared at him. Pointing at him. Whispering about him. Sure, he was used to it but he didn't like it.

Ever since he became a actor and gained popularity, he was noticed almost everywhere. He knew that would happen but his father forced him into acting. Never giving him a chance to think about it.

"Mr.Todoroki." A man at the desk called. He sighed before getting up and walking inside.

He works for his father. 'Endeavor Ent.' As soon as he was born, he became an actor.

To put it easily. He really dislikes it.

Acting is something Todoroki couldn't hate, but it wasn't something he was passionate about. He always thought he was bad at acting but everyone would oppose.

He still thinks he sucks. Believes it's all because he is the son of the boss. Or because he is good looking. It's annoying.

He let's out another sigh as he stood in front of two big doors.
After a while of hesitating he finally knocks.

"Come in." He hears a deep voice say from the other side of the door. He opens the door and makes his way in.
"Where are we going?" Bakugou asks as he looks around trying to figure it out.
Kirishima laughs at Bakugou's raging anger.

"You'll see." Kirishima laughs only to get a shove and yell back.

Boring chapter but oh well.
Also, have a happy Thanksgiving!

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