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"W-what?" Midoriya asked. His eyes widen as he saw how serious Todoroki looked.
He shifted his eyes away from him only to feel a hand on his own.

"Midoriya.... I want to help you. I want to show you that I really do thank you for being my friend. I want to be by your side and help you in any way that I can. So please, stay."

Midoriya was silent for a moment staring at Todoroki in the eye. He couldn't help but scan his face and look at every detail. His eyelashes, eyebrows, lips, everything. It was all so eye-catching. He realized he was staring when Todoroki put a hand on his shoulder.

"Midoriya, please let me help you." He spoke with a slightly shaky voice. He sounded so desperate it hurt to hear him.

"Thank you, Todoroki. Thank you so much." Midoriya smiled and subconsciously embraced him. Yet, he didn't let go. Todoroki didn't try to move away either.

"You what?!"

Bakugou yelled at Midoriya from across the kitchen counter. Midoriya was telling him about how he was going to, from now on, be staying with a friend. Bakugou didn't seem to like the idea.

"The fuck, Deku! You could have asked me but, no! You had to go and ask another one of your "friends". Well to fucking bad! You aren't going anywhere until I meet this so called "generous being". "

"Kacchan. I knew you'd react like this, but don't worry. He can be trusted. I trust him. And I'm sorry, but I could never bring myself to ask you for such a favor. You already have a lot of problems and I don't want to add any more. So please, calm down."

Midoriya spoke softly to the furious blond. He knew Bakugou to well and knew exactly how he was going to react. That is why he already packed his things and was ready to move into his new temporary home.

Bakugou glared at him as if his face would tell him something. The blond sighed and his face became a bit more calm.

"Fine. Do whatever you want. Just don't come crying to me for help once the "trusted friend" of yours, kicks you out. " He huffed. 

Midoriya smiled widely and quickly hugged him over the counter, catching Bakugou off guard. 

"Thank you! Thank you so much for understanding, Kacchan!" Midoriya held onto him tightly. Soon a hand was placed on his face, pushing him away slightly.

"Alright, alright! Get off me, nerd!" Soon Midoriya was back in his seat, getting scolded by Bakugou becuase he accidently spilled his orange juice on the carpet. 

"Bye, Kacchan! I'll see you around!" Midoriya waved as he happily ran out the door. Bakugou scoffed as he wiped his table. He looked at the door than back down at the table, then back at the door.

"Deku! You didn't fucking tell me who the fucktard your living with is! Get back here you-"

Midoriya held onto his suit case with a tight grip, as he looked at the house in front of him. He had been here a couple of times but he had never, truely spent more than 24 hours there. He couldn't believe that this house, would be the home he would be living in for a while. He smiled at the thought.

He walked up to the front, knocking two times. He waited a bit before the door opened to reveal Todoroki. Midoriya smiled at him and he gave a genuine smile back.

"Welcome home, Midoriya."

I only make wholesome content!

This is a little gift from me since it was my bday yesterday! That makes no sense- ANYWAY thank you guys so much for reading this! I truely means a lot!

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