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So like this chapter is gonna be a mess :,)
Warning: Suicide Attempt 
Todoroki lay in bed. Thinking about the green haired boy. He was acting a bit wierd lately and it concerned Todoroki. He tried keeping his mind off it, but in the end, he couldn't.

Something was wrong and he needed to know. He needs to know so he could help Midoriya. He needs to be there for him.

Todoroki sighs as he stares at the ceiling. He has been like that for almost an hour. He couldn't go to sleep. The thought of something being wrong with Midoriya, didn't let him.

Buzz Buzz

Todoroki reached for his phone. Without looking at the caller, he answers.


"Hey! Todoroki, my dude!"

"Oh, hey Kirishima. It's been a while since you've called."

"Haha.. yeah it has. Anyway, how are you? How is school?"

"Yeah, I'm good. School speaks for itself. "


"What about you? How is school and your job?"

"Great! Everything is great!"


"Kiri, your lying to me aren't you."

"What? Haha... I'm not lying. That wouldn't be manly."

".... okay."

"Anyway, how's Midoriya? I haven't seen him in so long! I miss the guy!"

"He's fine. Something is wrong with him though, he just won't tell me."

"Oh... well I hope he feels better and tells you what's wrong. I don't want him to keep it to himself when he could use help."


"Well, I've got to go. Talk to you later!"

"Bye, sleep well."

"Good night!"

Todoroki placed his phone on his counter.
He stared at the ceiling again.


Izuku grabbed his bag and headed out. Walking on the sidewalk heading to the bus stop. It was getting cold these days but sadly, Midoriya forgot to grab a coat. He slightly shivered as the breeze past by him. Holding himslef and rubbing his hands against his arms.

He finally made it and sat down on the small bench. Looking around for the bus.
When his phone vibrated in his poket.

Step Father
Izuku. We need to talk.

Midoriya sighed and slid his phone back in his poket. He didn't feel like talking to anyone. After everything he needed some space and time.

The thought of living with his step father made Midoriya tense. The cold breeze didn't help as it made his shiver.


The voice startled him as he looked up and saw the owner. It was Todoroki.

"Hey, Todoroki." Was all that he could let out. Putting on a small smile before looking back down. Todoroki stared at him.

He steped closer.


The sound of the bus infront of the stop made Midoriya look up at him. He gave him a small smile again. Grabbing his bag and walking torwards the bus, getting on.

Todoroki stood there looking at the bench. The bus drove off leaving him there alone.
Midoriya walked home after school. He shivered again as it seemed the cold got worse than the morning. Now, when he breathed out, he saw white smoke like thing escape his mouth.

As he walked he couldn't help but remember Todoroki's face. He looked at Midoriya as if he was searching for something on his face.

He made it to his house but before entering he opened his mail box. He grabbed the two envelopes and walked inside. Sitting on the couch opening them.

He sighed as he read the papers inside.
It was the bill for the house.

Just then his phone rang. He grabbed it.


"Hello, Izuku."


"I know you heard what happened to her. She's gone."

"Yeah, I know."

"Well, you've got to forget her."

"What! No way! She is my mother! I will never forget her!"

"Stop acting so childish! She is gone! Now move on!"

"Why are you saying that?! Aren't you supose to love her!"

"I never have loved her!"


"I just got with her so I could help myself! She gave me money and everthing I asked!"

"H-how could you.."

"I didn't do anything wrong! Stop treating me with disrespect!"

"Y-you! You lier! She worked extra jobs for you! She loved you! And you go and use her for your own enjoyment?!"

"I never told her to work more! That was on her! Either way, how else was I supose to get money?!"

"You jerk!"

"How dare you! I'm older than you! Respect me!"

"How could I respect a person who hurt my mother!"

"I didn't do anything! She was the one who jumped infront of the car!"

"..... what?"


"W-what did you say?"

"Listen here kid! You are not my responsibility, so don't expect me, to let you live with me!"

Midoriya walked slowly. He was frezzing. Hands cold as ice. His feet almost numb. Once the call ended he ran out of the house. Never putting on shoes or a sweater.

His face was covered in tears, eyes red from crying. He walked for almost two hours.
Finding it hard to breath. His body was shaking from the cold.

Without noticing it, he was now on a bridge. Cars passed by, the lights seeming too bright for Midoriya. Everything was blurry.

He stoped and got closer to see the water below.

"I'm sorry mom." He sobbed as he held onto the bars. Looking at the moon's reflection on the water. "I'm so sorry."

He let out a sharp breath. As more tears came flowing down his checks. Tightening his hold on the bars. He lifted his legs up and slowly slid them over the bars.

"Mom. I-I can't live thinking about how m-much pain you went through. I-i'm sorry I wasn't there for you! I'm sorry! Mom, please.. p-please come back!"
He yelled through his sobs. Closing his eyes shut as he leaned forward.


He leaned more and let his fingers go of the bars, one by one. Tears falling more and more.

"P-please mom... I miss you so, so much.."


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