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"So yeah, I'll be working there from now on." Bakugou said proudly.

They were seated inside of Bakugou's past job, the cafe. The funny thing is that everyone was actually happy to see him. They would occasional go up to their table and start a conversation. Usually they would ask how he has been and what he's been up to. Bakugou didn't seem to mind at all, he even smiled at one point.

Kirishima, who was listening to him talk about his day, was smiling like an idiot. Seeing Bakugou so open and happy just made him feel relaxed and calm.

After being discharged from the hospital, Bakugou began to pull himself up from the hole he had dug a long time ago. He started to rebuild his life, this time he promised himself he would do things that make him happy. He wanted to be better for himself. Things his past self would push away, and ignore. These few months have shown him not to take things for granted.

One morning Kirishima was surprised when Bakugou announced that he would go visit him parents in a few days. Ever since then he's been doing his best to accomplish things he always wanted. He was changing.

Kirishima was no different. He's been talking to his father and they've talked somethings out. They wouldn't stop apologizing to eachother, that a manager had to step in and stop them. He quit his job, but he still hopes to make music just for fun. Like his mother would have liked.

It was a tough conversation with his father, but he was supportive in the end. Now, everything is new to him. No more interviews, no cameras, no more loud crowds. This time he can be himself. No more hiding from anyone.

"Are you just going to stare at me all day or are you going to congratulate me?" Bakugou asked after a while, Kirishima blushed and cleared his throat.

"...You're amazing."

Now they were both blushing, avoiding eye contact. Kirishima yelled at himself as to why he had to say that.

"How about you? Any luck?" Bakugou asked and Kirishima looked up brightly.

"Oh yeah! Remember, Mina Ashido?"

"Yeah, why?"

"She noticed how I was looking for a job and she offered me one at the convenience store! Apparently, her family owns the shop and they agreed. I'll start Monday!"

They talked and talked, as if they haven't seen each other in years. Smiling so brightly that anyone would blind themselves from looking.

They were once messy and stressed. They felt lost and worthless.
Now they've changed. Not completely, but that's what makes them, them.


Izuku giggled when he felt Todoroki's hair tickle his neck. They are cuddling on their bed as they watched some random show on the tv. They have made some adjustments to the house, Midoriya has officially moved in. Kirishima and Bakugou are planning to stay a little longer before they go their own ways.

Now, Todoroki and Midoriya share a room. Its wasn't easy to get used to but they got comfortable with time. They used to argue one again who would sleep on the bed, like they did before these recent events. In the end they subconsciously slept together on the same bed when they went out to drink that one time.

Since then they've stopped arguing about the bed and ended up agreeing they would share it. Even if they were dating, things still felt like they were bestfriend but different...

Now they would kiss and cuddle eachother other way too much. That one time they got real close to taking the next step but they passed out drunk. It was a little awkward when Bakugou laugh at them for being touchy and dumb in general.

Just like Bakugou and Kirishima, they've been changing and moving on from the past. Though, with Todoroki it didn't go so well.

Todoroki was randomly asked to meet with his father and although he declined he was forced there by the managers. His father didn't look happy when he showed up. Even though he didn't say anything unusual, the arua around him made Todoroki anxious.

"Do you think your dad knows?" Midoriya suddenly asked. "About us, I mean."

Todoroki wasn't sure. His father was acting weird. Is that why he called him in randomly.

"I don't know. He was acting weird earlier. Why?"

"I just get this weird feeling is all. Plus, I think it's bad that we haven't told him."

"I agree that it's bad but I still don't think he would like it." Todoroki ran his fingers in izuku's hair. "Plus, I don't think I'm ready to tell him yet..."

They stayed silent but Izuku knew Todoroki held himself back from saying more. Midoriya turn around, holding himself up with one hand.

"Shouto, it's okay. You don't need to tell him. No child should be forced to come out to their parents. It's your choice and you can decide if you want to or not. I'll be with you no matter what."

Todoroki's smiled fondly at him. He leaned in and kissed Izuku's lips slowly.

"Thank you." Todoroki whispered, his forehead touched Izuku's. They couldn't look away from eachother. "I'm so glad to have you here with me. God, you're the best."

They cuddled once again and soon fell to sleep. Izuku was smiling in his sleep, happy that the warmth beside him was there. He only thought good things. Dreaming about living peacefully with Shouto in some far away cottage in the middle of nowhere. As long as Izuku had Shouto there, he wouldn't mind where they lived.

Though, that night he could have sworn the warmth beside him was gone.

That morning Izuku woke up to an empty bed. Shouto was no where to be found.


[Thank you for reading this horrible fic. I hope you enjoyed the mess! Really, I can't believe people read this. To those of you who've waited, thank you so much!! Thank you and good bye!! <3]

*I will edit this book in a bit! I have to apologize to you guys since you went through reading all my cringy mistakes. Thank you.*

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