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Todoroki got ready for school. He wanted to be there a bit early just in case Midoriya came. So he hurried to put on his shoes and left his house as soon as possible.

As he walked he felt his phone vibrate. He took it out of his pocket and turned it on.
It was a text from Midoriya.

Good morning, Todoroki!
I just wanted to say that I'm doing better and I'll be at school today.Hope to see you there!

Todoroki smiled as he read the text. Midoriya was always so bright and joyful. It's truly contagious.

Good morning, Midoriya.
I'm glad you're feeling better.
See you at school.

Todoroki didn't know how to respond to things so joyful so he did the best he could. Though, he could admit that he did sound a bit serious compared to Midoriya.

"Todoroki-kun! Good morning!" Midoriya called out to Todoroki. He turned around and gave a little wave.

"Good morning, Midoriya." The green haired boy stood beside Todoroki and gave him a small smile.

"Did you eat breakfast?" Todoroki nodded. "That's good!"

Todoroki noticed the way Midoriya was trying a bit to much. Something about his actions made Todoroki slightly nervous.

"Are you alright Midoriya? You seem a bit tense." Midoriya's eyes widened. He quickly shook his head.

"I'm fine! It's just that I got up late so I'm still a bit sleepy.. that's all!" Todoroki decided to brush it off as it semmed Midoriya didn't want to talk about it.
So they walked to class having some small conversations.

"Good morning, Midoriya and Todoroki!" Iida waved as they walked towards the front of the school.

"Ah! Good morning, Iida-kun!" Midoriya said with a wide smile.

"Good morning, Iida." Todoroki said.

The whole day, Todoroki kept looking at Midoriya. He was acting strange. It kinda seemed like he was forcing his own smile and happiness. Todoroki was now concerned as he walked home.

When he got to his room he quickly got his phone out. He needed some answers.


Yes, Todoroki?

Are you feeling okay?

I couldn't be happier!
Is something wrong?

It's nothing.
I just wanted to ask because of yesterday.
Anyway, have a good night.

Good night Todoroki!

Todoroki sighed before putting his phone down.

He stared at the ceiling of his room, thinking to himself.

Why do I care so much? He already said he was fine. Why do I notice the small things? Is he really okay? What's wrong with me?

Todoroki covered his face with his hands. Trying to think of any reason why he was feeling so worried and concerned.

He slowly reached for his phone. Regretting every part. His hand grabbed the phone.

He started to type.......

What is the definition of the word, crush?

Midoriya just couldn't. He couldn't ask Todoroki.

Midoriya didn't want to bother Todoroki. Even though he knew he would be willing to help him. He just couldn't.

After a while of just strolling around the park at around midnight.

He decided that he would just accept the fact that he would have to live with his step father.

I'm so sorry for not posting! School again! Hope you guys liked this chapter even though it's so short!

Todoroki having no idea what love and liking someone means............ canon.

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