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Tomoyo was a sweet, seven year old girl. Cheerful and kind towards the two older boys next to her. She had the most cutest smile and laugh, it made Kirishima and Bakugou smile.

"So what's your mom like?" Kirishima asked still holding onto her small hand. She seemed taken aback with the question, her smile fading slightly.

"..She's caring and suff, b-but sometimes she says things and yells... I-I still love her! She just has some ideas t-that I don't understand.." Tomoyo said quietly, her grip tightening and Kirishima squeezed it back.

"Hmm..Well I hope she's as kind as you are! If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean by "ideas"." Kirishima asked, curious.

"W-well she's very religious so she doesn't support people who like the same... gender? I don't remember the word.." She said muttering the last part to herself.

"..I see. Well, it's okay. Hopefully she isn't that quick to judge." Kirishima laughed, trying to reassure her. Bakugou just scoffed from behind.

"...Is-Is Bakugou-san your boyfriend?" Tomoyo asked, tilting her head. Kirishima's face went red and he didn't say anything.

"Tch. He can dream." Bakugou said placing a hand on her head. Her hair getting messed up again. Kirishima just laughed.

"O-oh! Sorry! It's just y-you guys look c-close! Sorry..." Kirishima only chuckled and smiled at her. She couldn't help but smile back.

"Don't worry about it. Besides, Bakugou is to grumpy. I doubt we will ever get that close." Kirishima laughs and she laughs along with him.

"Who you calling grumpy, hair for brains!" Bakugou yelled back walking faster and pulling up a hand. It looked like he was going to punch him in the face, but something told Kirishima he wouldn't. And he didn't.

"Kirishima-san... you look like this one singer my d-dad likes to listen to..R-red Riot? Do you know him?" Kirishima just hums after hearing her question. He stays quiet beforr smiling brightly at her.

"I like to think that I do know him." Kirishima says and Bakugou couldn't help but stare at him. Tomoyo just smiles and they continue towards the front of the fair, in search of security.

"Tomoyo?! Oh, thank goodness! Are you okay!? Why did you run off like that!?" A woman asks, worried sick. She grabs Tomoyo's face and moves it in different directions in search of anything.

"Mommy! I'm okay. Kirishima-san and Bakugou-san helped me!" She beamed, pointing over to the two boys standing there, awkwardly.

"O-oh. Well, thank you." She bows politely before turning back to look at her daughter. "Be careful next time. Why didn't you just stay close like I told you!? It's not that hard, this is why I shouldn't have bought you here."

Kirishima didn't like the tone she had. It was mean and nasty. Tomoyo was looking at the ground, her body shaking slightly. He really couldn't just stand there.

"Excuse me." He said stepping forward, Bakugou glaring at him. The woman looked over her shoulder to look at him. "Hello, my name is Eijirou Kirishima and I just want to say, Tomoyo was the sweetest girl. It really wasn't a problem to help her, she was not of any disturbance. Please, don't blame or yell at her. We were happy to hel-"

"Aren't you that singer!? That one that went missing or something? Gezz, even Greg was worried about some kid who is very disrespectful!" Kirishima was taken aback. All he wanted to do was clear things up. Now the woman was yelling at him, very angry.

"You have no right to tell me how I should discipline my own daughter! Just because your some big famous singer, at a very young age, doesn't give you privilege! And don't talk like you know who she is!" The woman's face was red with anger and... embarrassment? Many people began to surround the scene unfold.

"W-what? Oh, no. I didn't mean it like that I just wanted to clear things up so-" Kirishima tried again, only to get interrupted.

"You've got some nerve! Now leave me and my daughter alone before I call the police! Creep!" Many people began to whisper and talk around them. Some even took their phones out to record.

"Isn't that Red Riot?"

"Oh my god! It's him!"

"What is he doing here!?"

"I heard he ran away just to make himself seem rebellious or something!"

"Now he's over here being a freak. Poor little girl."

"I used to like him and his music. Turns out he's a total creep."

"Someone should call that number and win that huge prize for finding him!"

Kirishima felt dizzy. Loud noise everywhere around him, voices bombarded him with questions and comments. Everything felt too much. Like all his ears were tapped and he couldn't hear anything. His lungs ached. Breath hitched. He was suffocating. Once again.

"Will all of you shut the hell up!?" A voice much louder than the rest, made everything quiet. Kirishima finally felt like he could breath once again. The only voice he recognized, brought him back.

"What the hell!? Do you really think a guy this kind-hearted, genuine, manly, fucking goofball, would ever have those intentions!? All he wanted to do was help a poor girl who was crying and lost, get to her fucking mother! Why don't you just fucking hear what he has to say!?"

No one said a word. It was like if everyone was following each other. All afraid to say anything.

"Fuck all of you."

A rough hand grabbed onto Kirishima's wrist, pulling him far away from the big crowd. Soon, they were alone. Sitting down in a cart of the Ferris wheel.

Kirishima was quiet. The quietest Bakugou has ever seen him. He wasn't smiling or laughing. Just silent with closed lips. An expression hard to read.
His red hair was messy, strands of it flowing nicely in the wind.

Bakugou got this weird urge to run his hands through his hair. It looked oddly soft. He didn't though. All Bakugou did was stay quiet.

"Thank you." Bakugou was almost shocked when he heard those words escape Kirishima's mouth.

The red head was now smiling at him. Eyes closed and teeth showing. Yet, Bakugou could still tell he was holding back tears.

"Whatever, idiot."

Turns out I couldn't wait that long to post this chapter ;-;

I just got excited and I really like how it turned out.
Hope you enjoyed!

Btw, I cried making this.
Might have big grammar mistakes, oop-

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