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Todoroki threw himself onto the bed, face forward. He groaned as he thought about what just happened. He felt stupid for doing that out of nowhere, almost subconsciously. He hated it so much.

He didn't even realize he was leaning in until he was mid way. His mind was clouded by horrible thoughts about his father. They all weren't good thoughts.

"I'm so stupid." He sighed, flipping over to cover himself with the blanket. He just wanted to hide from everyone. Still, Todoroki couldn't help the small smile that came to his own face.

"He's so cute." Todoroki whispered. Soon, he felt his face heat up the second time that night. It truly was a new experience and feeling, but it felt amazing. Though he had to admit, he felt like a teenage girl who was gushing over her crush.

This was a first for him.
He didn't push it away.


Bakugou slammed the door to his own room. He groaned as he walked his way to his desk. He wanted to ask Todoroki for the wifi password so he could watch movies. He really didn't want to see what he witnessed.

He also sighed, remembering how much over reacted.
He slammed his hand on the desk, angry. 'Stupid, Deku probably hates my guts right now.' He groaned once again, closing his laptop.

He turned off the light and decided to sleep. Though, he knew very well that sleeping tonight would be very difficult. To many thoughts were scattered all over, making it impossible to sleep. Still, he laid in the bed his eyes wide open.

His mind went from thinking about work and his interviews to, thinking about his parents. Then before he knew it, new red head he only met a few days ago popped up. Memories from the late afternoon on the beach were everywhere.

"Shit!" Bakugou yelled, grabbing a pillow and slamming it into his face. Still, he couldn't get that bright smile out of his head.
"Geez, I need to see a doctor or some shit."

Just as he was about to close his eyes, he heard a phone ring from across the room. He sighed before getting up and walked right to the phone on the ground. When he looked at it, it was obviously not his own. The phone had a red case.

"Damn, shitty hair."

He debated to look at the phone or not. He did anyway.
It showed a message by some person named, Broski.

"What the fuck?" Bakugou said as he looked at the username. It also had a lightning bolt emoji next to it. "Who the hell is broski?"

After a while of thinking he shrugged it off and placed the phone onto the dresser. That's exactly when the phone began to ring more. This time it went off for a while, stopping suddenly.
Bakugou glared at the phone, not even daring to touch it again and he finally got back in bed. This time he didn't get disturbed.


The next morning the four young men groaned out of bed like old grandpas. Feeling drained and tired they slowly made their way into the kitchen. Even Bakugou was slouching as he stood in front of the fridge, hand on it to support himself.

Todoroki fell on the chair, face onto the table. He let out a loud sigh. Midoriya collapsed onto the chair across, head desperately falling as a sign he was about to fall asleep again. The red head, Kirishima, was dealing with a big headache. He could barely walk straight, crashing into almost everything around the house.

"So, what's for breakfast?" Kirishima asked, smiling at everyone clearly in pain. Bakugou choked out a laugh.

"Breakfast? Oh no, idiot. It's lunch by now." At his harsh and sudden words Kirishima's forehead hit the wall.
"What the fuck?"

Bakugou wasn't exactly drunk or exaughsted, he was completely sober. This making him, once again the only one responsible in the house. 'Great.' He thought sarcastically. He began to make the meal.

Soon, they were all seated at the small table eating their first meal of the day. There was absolute no conversations. Oddly quiet for the four of them, together that is.

At a time like this, Kirishima would probably have something bright to say but at the moment he was running to the bathroom.
Todoroki sighed once again.
Midoriya's head lowered more, his forehead almost touching the plate of food before him.

"Okay! I get it! Last night was a mess, shitty hair got drunk, half and half bastard and deku were being oddly close and- You know what?! How about we all just take this day to fucking relax and not do anything crazy and idiotic!" Bakugou shouted as he stood from his chair.

Todoroki finally lifted his head looking directly at him. His face was completely unreadable.

"Okay." Was all he said before getting up and placing his dish in the sink and walking towards his room. Bakugou glared at him as he walked off.

"Yeah. Let's do that." Midoriya said quietly then got up and did the exact same thing as Todoroki, walking off into his own room.

Bakugou was left alone.
Not that he cared anyway.

Just then Kirishima showed up, face was wet almost soaked in water. His hair messy but pulled back into a ponytail. His eyes where shining bright as he looked at Bakugou.

"Your so manly!" Was all he said before running off.

Bakugou was left dumbfounded.
He was about to asked but got interrupted.

"Let's all hang out!"

"What!? No! That's not what I meant! Dammit shitty hair!"


"Stupid deku!"

"What did I do!?"


I'm back! Sorry for not updating last week, I was very busy!
Will be updating weekly as always! Again, sorry and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

You probably won't like the next one-

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