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Midoriya woke up to the smell of food. He also noticed that a small, warm blanket was placed on top of him. He smiled to himself as he thought about how Todoroki did this.

A while later he got up and folded the blanket. Making sure he ate the soup while it was still kinda, hot. As he left to his room he realized a sticky note right beside the bowl.

'Midoriya. I'm sorry to have to leave without you knowing. I had to go meet my dad, even when I didn't want to. I hope you get better and come to school soon. Also, make sure to eat the soup, it really helps me when I'm not feeling well. I hope to see you tomorrow.

Shouto Todoroki. '

Midoriya smiled as he realized that he wasn't completely alone. He still had Todoroki, and Bakugou. It made him feel better.


Todoroki leaned against the wall infront of his last class, waiting for the broccoli boy. Although he knew something was up with him, Todoroki knew it wasn't his place to question.

Even though Todoroki knew Midoriya wasn't there becuase he would have seen him at lunch, he still felt the need to wait. I guess you could say he did it subconsciously.

He waited and waited, but Midoriya never showed up. So he sighed in defeat and entered the classroom.


Bakugou walked torwards the house. Then stoped and turned around. Then turned around again to face the house.

"Fucking, shitty nerd."

The blond knew about what happened to Midoriya's mother. In fact, he was the first to know because of his mom.

She was a crying mess, so Bakugou feeling some what sympathy, took care of her for a day. He knew how much this would affect Midoriya, so he wanted to be there for him too.

Even though Bakugou would never admit it, he was also devastated. He just kept it in. He decided he would put his family and close friends before him this one time. So here he was, pacing back and forth in front of Midoriya's house.

He sighed and finally stepped on the mat at the front door, and quickly knocked. It was silent for a moment before the door was opened, and then appeared Midoriya.

"Kacchan? What's up?"

Bakugou was now contemplating on whether he should just bluntly say it or try to sneak around the truth.

"You got a problem with me being here, nerd?" Midoriya quickly shook his head in denial. "Then move aside and let me in, it's fucking hot out here."

Midoriya fully opened the door and let Bakugou in. The blond sat on the couch without saying a word and this made Midoriya kinda scared. Normally, Kacchan would be angry or screaming at Izuku. Yet, something about the way Bakugou acted, gave Midoriya the chills.

"Do you want something to drink or?"

Bakugou snapped out of his thoughts and just grunted as a reply.

"Water it is." Midoriya sighed and walked over to his kitchen. Grabbing a glass and pouring some water in it. "How was work?"

"Shitty as fuck. The stupid costumers always fucking leave there nasty ass garbage and expect me or someone to clean it up! But apparently they don't have fucking legs, to walk over to the trash can and throw it away." Bakugou complained. Midoriya just nodded and walked over to him.

"Here." He handed the glass to Kacchan. Which he took without hesitation and chugged it down. Midoriya sat across from him on another couch. "So, if you don't mind me asking. Why are you here?"

Bakugou shot a glare at Midoriya telling him to watch his words. Izuku nervously shook his hands in front of him.

"I-I mean.. because like, you never come over, so it's kinda strange.. " Midoriya said quickly. Kacchan huffed.

"Nerd. Anyway..... I can't believe I'm saying this... fucking let it out." Midoriya was now confused more than anything. Bakugou was acting very, very strange.

"What do you mean, Kacchan?"

"Fucking, stupid Deku." Bakugou said with a mean tone. Midoriya became more confused when suddenly, Bakugou was messing up his hair. Yet, it felt more comforting than anything. "Sob all you want."

Midoriya was shocked. He realized what Kacchan was doing. He was trying to be there for Midoriya because of what happened.

Midoriya gave Bakugou a small smile.

"Kacchan. Thank you. But, I'm fine now. I just have to accept it. I have to accept the fact that.... I'll never see her.. I'll never hear her voice... I-" Midoriya was now sobbing.

Bakugou sighed before patting Midoriya's back.

"Let it out nerd.."

Midoriya cried even louder and was trying to stop the tears and sobs. Wipping his eyes and face with the sleeves of his hoodie.

"I-I miss her!" Midoriya yelled into his hands . The tears never stopping. "M-mom.."


Kacchan left a while after. Midoriya had to admit, he felt so much better after letting everything out. He mentally thanked Kacchan for his kind actions.

Midoriya was now lying in bed. It was late and he had many thoughts running threw his mind.

'I'll have to live with my 'father'. Unless I buy my own place... I don't have money. Should I get a part time job? Maybe Kacchan can help me get a job? I really don't want to live with that man. Would I have to leave this house?'

Midoriya sighed. He felt refreshed minutes ago, now his mind was filled with thoughts once again. He kept thinking about how he could possibly make money so he could at least rent a place. Yet, nothing came to mind.

When he thought again....

Shouto Todoroki


Anyway sorry for the late update. School has started and I bearly have time to write chapters. So I hope this chapter kinda makes up for the lack of content!

Kind and soft Kacchan... I THINK YES!!

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