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Midoriya and Todoroki looked at each other, then back at the door. Another knock came. This time it seemed more impatient and loud. Todoroki made the first move forward. Slowly opening the door.

And there stood the one and only, Kirishima. He gave a small wave and an awkward smile. In his other hand was a somewhat big suitcase.

"Hey..." He spoke with an awkward tone of voice. Todoroki just stared at him in disbelief. Midoriya soon made his way behind him.

"Kirishima-kun!" Midoriya gasped. Giving him a small smile after. Kirishima smiled back.

".... You have a lot of explaining to do." Todoroki said in a motherly tone. Midoriya chuckled.

"Yes, sir." Kirishima said while swallowing hard. Todoroki then slowly let him in.

Kirishima sat on the couch while the other two sat in front of him like if he was being interviewed. It made the red head nervous.

"...Kirishima. Why did you run away?" Todoroki got right to the point.
Kirishima sat up straight.

"Umm. How'd you know I ran away, and wasn't kidnapped?" He spoke quietly.

"You are easy to read. So why did you? I thought you said everything was great over there." Kirihsima tensed up a bit. Figiting with his fingers.
It was quiet for a short while.

"Well... I just couldn't stand being there. At first everything was fine, but...." He stopped mid sentence. As he was speaking his voice became sad and slightly angry.

Midoriya was worried and he couldn't just keep quiet. So he stood up and sat right beside him. Putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Kirishima. If you don't feel ready to tell us then don't. We won't force you. I understand that what's going on is hard, so if you need some time to calm down and think, I sure Todoroki will understand." Midoriya looked from Kirishima to Todoroki. He gave him puppy eyes.

"Right, Todoroki-kun?" Midoriya asked with a cute voice. Todoroki quickly looked away, trying not to be convinced.

"Please?" Kirishima spoke with the same tone as Midoriya.  Todoroki shut his eyes but after more asking he finally gave in. Sighing loudly.

"Fine. But, you will have to tell me soon."  Midoriya jumped up in delight. Kirishima gave a wide smile to Todoroki.

"Yay! Now we will be staying together!" Midoriya hugged Kirishima. He raised an eyebrow, confused.

"All of us?" He asked. Todoroki nodded. "Midoriya is staying here? Since when?"

"Ummm... well it's a long story." Midoriya chuckled awkwardly. "But, I'm going to be staying here for a bit until I have enough saved up."

After a bit more talking, Todoroki finally spoke up.

"Kirishima. Since you used to stay over when we were younger, you know which room to stay at. So when you want, I'll help you unpack. " Todoroki spoke gently.

"Geez, Todoroki. You're the best! I know I can always count on you!" Kirishima smiled widely and hugged him. Todoroki didn't push him away, instead he slightly hugged him back.

Todoroki helped Kirishima with his things and headed towards one of the rooms close by.
Leaving Midoriya and Kirishima.

"Hey, Midoriya. If you don't mind me asking, why are you staying at Todoroki's? Did you also run away?" Midoriya looked at Kirishima. He knew he could trust him.

"Not exactly. Actually I have nowhere else to stay. You could say that I got kicked out." Midoriya chuckled as he said the last part. He himself wasn't ready to tell others.

Kirishima gave him a small smile and hugged him again.

"You don't need to tell me. I understand." Midoriya relaxed as he thought of how nice it felt being cared for. He almost lost this and much more.


Midoriya and Todoroki sat on the couch waiting for Kirishima to finish unpacking. They offered to help him, but he didn't let them.
Midoriya was scrolling through Twitter, while Todoroki looked at  cute cat videos.

"All done!" Kirishima suddenly announced out of nowhere. The other two boys lifted their heads quickly, in slight fright. "So, what're we going to do?"

Kirishima sat next to Midoriya, making himself at home. Todoroki thought for a moment. Clueless.
Then he remembered that one place he went to. Where he met that one angry dude.

"Are you guys hungry? We could go to a cafe or something." Kirishima sat up in delight. Midoriya also looked up.

"Oh, bro! You have no idea how hungry I am! I haven't eaten in, like seven hours!" Kirishima was literally jumping up and down. "And that's like.... A LOT!"

"I just kinda ate but I'm totally down for some nice sweets and drinks." Midoriya agreed.
So it was settled.

An I oop- 
Blond boy is making a big comeback?! :0

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