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As Todoroki led them towards the cafe, Midoriya's eyes widened. It's the same place Kacchan works at.

"Do you usually go here, Todoroki-kun?" Midoriya asked, curious about how he knew this cafe. Todoroki shook his head.

"I've came here once. Let's just say that the experience wasn't all so great." Kirishima and Midoriya gave him a confused look.

They made it to the front of the cafe and before Todoroki could even open the door, it flew open.

"Fucking assholes! I don't need this stupid job anyway!" Out came a very angry blond. He huffed and finally turned to look at the three of them.
His eyes widened as he saw the two familiar boys, and a boy he never met.

"What the fuck are you guys doing here?!" He yelled stepping forward. But before he could move any further, the unknown red head stepped forward.

"Why are you yelling at my friends? They haven't done anything. If you have something against them you will have to talk to me about it first."

Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugou stood quietly. They were suprised. Todoroki sighed remembering how he was always so protective.

The blond grew confused and made eye contact with Kirishima.

"Ha? Who the fuck are you?" He spoke with his angry tone.

"I am their friend and I won't let them be yelled at for nothing." Midoriya grew nervous. He knew the blond would blow up sometime soon.

"H-hey! Kirishima, it's okay! I know this guy. He is my childhood bestfriend." He chuckled rubbing the back of his neck.

"Either way, he shouldn't be yelling at you." Kirishima kept on glaring at him.

"Y-you see. Kacchan is l-like this. He doesn't mean any harm! We are friends!" Midoriya shook his hands trying to stop the conflict.

Kirishima saw how nervous he was getting so he stopped glaring at Bakugou.
Midoriya sighed.
Bakugou let out a "tch".

"Can we talk about this inside?" Todoroki yawned. And soon they all went in and sat down at a table.
Everyone stayed quiet. Unsure of what to say. They all had questions they wanted answered.

"How about we start with introducing ourselves!" Midoriya smiled. Bakugou groaned.

"Oh! I'll go first!"Kirishima smiled widely."My name is Eijirou Kirishima! And I like manly things!"

"Hi. I'm Shouto Todoroki and I like to eat soba."

"Katsuki fucking Bakugou. I hate people who are annoying."

"I'm Izuku Midoriya! I like to read comics!"

Then they grew quiet again. It was kinda awkward. Bakugou hated it so he dicided he would break the silence.

"Anyway. Icy hot, what are you doing hanging out with Deku?" Todoroki shrugged.

"I've known Midoriya for a while. He is my friend." Bakugou scoffed.

"How the fuck did I not know about this "friendship" of your's, Deku?" Midoriya chuckled nervously.

"W-well. You never asked?" Bakugou literally... growled at him?
"H-he is the friend I told you about... I'm staying with him."

"You, are staying with this emo?!" Todoroki gave an eyebrow raise.

"What? Do you have a problem with it?" Bakugou glared at him.

"Hell yeah I do! I don't fucking trust you! You might be some kind of freak!" Midoriya sighed.

"Kacchan. Todoroki-kun is not a freak. He is trustworthy. So stop being like this. I can protect myself, y'know."

"Tch. Still, I don't trust him. So I won't let you stay with him." Bakugou got up and grabbed Midoriya's arm.

"Woah! Bakugou, let him go." Kirihsima stod up and got a hold of Bakugou's arm. The blond glared at him.

"Let me go, shitty hair!" He tried shaking his hand off of him.
Now everyone in the cafe was staring at them.

"Sit back down." Todoroki sighed. "Bakugou. Let's talk about this outside."

He got up and walked out. Bakugou huffed and let go of Midoriya. He angrily walked out.

"Are you okay?" Kirishima asked him. Midoriya nodded. He was kinda used to how protective Bakugou could be.
Seemed like Kirishima, and Bakugou had something alike.

"Do you want to order something while we wait."Kirishima nodded and they sat back down.


"Look. I'm going to make this quick. Midoriya is going to be staying with me until he is ready to leave. And, you won't change that."

"Icy hot. I'm going to protect Deku. So go mind your own business." He growled.

"I'm not against you protecting him, but don't treat him like he's a child. I'm just lending him a hand because he needs a place to stay. I want to give back for all that he has done for me."

"Tch. Fine."
Todoroki was a bit surprised. That was easier than he expected.

"Good-" As he was about to leave, Bakugou grabbed his arm.

"Under one condition." Todoroki sighed.

"Okay. What is it."

"I get to stay in your shitty ass house."

I know Bakugou and Kirishima are a bit out of character! Shhhhh.

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