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Bright lights, buildings, people passed by as they drove. The moon overlooking them as they didn't turn back. Going forward to the only place they could go now. It felt as they were leaving everything. All the things that held them back, the people who hurt them now left behind.

They felt like they could do anything.

"Okay. Let me get this straight, we are running away?" Todoroki asked. None of them answered.
"I didn't think Bakugou would agree but here we are."

"Tch. What else could we have done?! There are strong men who probably have guns or some shit. How the hell do we fight that?" Bakugou yelled as he drove, clearly against the plan. Still he knew what was smart. Even if that ment hurting his own pride.

"I know it's weak and unmanly to run from your problems but... it's the only thing that can keep all of us safe. At least for now." Kirishima said quietly.
Todoroki couldn't disagree. They were right.

They were just kids compared to the men who were going after Kirishima. What could he do to not only protect him, but everyone else. Running away was the only other way.

"I know this is the best we can do, but I promise when we have to fight we will." Midoriya finally spoke after a long time. He was obviously thinking hard about something. "Let's just make sure Kirishima is as far away from the house. From the information Kaminari gave us, I'm positive the men are going to search there first."

It was silent for most of the ride but for some reason everyone of them weren't scared. They all looked forward, not daring to think about what would happen. Everyone but Denki.

"G-guys. I know that you all have probably been through somethings, but I have to remind you that we are running away from one of the strongest men in entertainment!" Kirishima closed his eyes hard, trying to ignore all the bad thoughts. "So can we just take more precautions!"

Bakugou groaned slamming the wheel twice before giving the blonde a quick glance. Denki jumped in his seat, scared.

"Got any good ideas, pikachu?"

"Actually I do!"

The entered the gas station after parking the van close. Bakugou wasn't planning on making a mistake. He would be prepared to run for it with Kirishima and leave. Todoroki noticed this and sighed deeply.

"What was his name again?" Midoriya asked Denki, who lead them towards the front of the store. He was offly skippy compared to before.

"Oh! His name is Hanta Sero. He's a good friend of mine, he has black long hair and is really cool. Oh, and don't mind his-"

"Hey! Denks, what's up!" A guy with the same description that Debki described was standing behind the front counter. Grabbing Denki into a hug.

"Really, a stoner?!" Bakugou yelled, preparing to punch Kaminari. Midoriya held him back, struggling to keep balance.

"Rude. I'm no stoner, I just look like this so fuck you." Sero spoke with anger, obviously offended. Denki sighed, he was to late to tell them. Sero hated when people assumed he did drugs.
"Why'd you have to bring this dude. I can only help so many people, I don't have time for animals."

Bakugou raged and began to fight again, while Midoriya held him still. Todoroki walked towards the guy and brought out a hand, offering a hand shake.

"Shouto Todoroki." He said as serious as ever. Sero shook his hand anyway.

"Hanta Sero, pleasure to meet you." He said nicely. "Oh, you must be Kirishima right? Denki has told me so much about you."

Kirishima smiled going in for a hand shake, but instead he got a hug. Bakugou yelled struggling even more.

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