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2 weeks later

Todoroki sighed, today wasn't treating him well. This morning he woke up to a call by his father, not even bothering to answer, he let it ring. Midoriya had to go help Bakugou with his job search, so he was left alone, his sore body nearly making it to the kitchen to make breakfast. He had to clean the house and do more chores than he normally had to when Izuku was around.

Maybe he was feeling horrible because Midoriya wasn't there to hold him or kiss him, so he had no motivation to get up and do things.

Not only that but Todoroki had no energy, dragging himself around. Normally Izuku's kisses would charge him right up making him feel like he could run a marathon. Not today though. The world was against him.

What made things even worse was that he was forced to come to work. Already tired and drained from last weeks nonstop studying and catching up with school, he felt like a zombie. Even looked like one. So when the many makeup artists saw him walking around like nothing, they dragged him to the dressing room and worked till he looked once again presentable.

Being a actor AND going to college clearly wasn't helping in his favor. Especially not today. So here he was, slouching on the sofa as he waited for his next scene. Sighing over and over again, gaining the attention of the guy behind him.

"Tired?" Fumikage Tokoyami asked before handing him a cold water. Todoroki nodded and drank the water, clearly thirsty. The dark haired guy chuckled quietly before drinking some of his own water. "I get it. Must be hard to study and work. Your days must be packed."

"Yeah." Todoroki said quietly and they continued to watch Momo Yaoyorozu, since she was currently on. "She's good."

Tokoyami nodded, and they stayed quiet as the watched Momo act, only giving once glance at the script during cuts and never looking at the paper again. She was fast to remember and act, that's why she was so sought out by multiple companies.

"Heard somethings about you. Rumors going around about how your dating? If they are true, congrats." Todoroki smiled for what seemed like the first time today. It's true. After everything that happened he asked Izuku, and they began to go out. They are boyfriends. It still shocked Todoroki whenever he thought about it.

"Yeah. It's true. So thanks." Though they weren't best friends, Todoroki still liked to hang out with Tokoyami. He was calm and nice. Plus, he was the only sensible actor he worked with.

"Well, I hope you both are happy."

"Yeah, I am. I hope he is."

"Hmm. He is dating you for a reason, so I'm sure he is. What's his name?" Todoroki smiled at that. Izuku didn't hesitate to say yes when he asked. He must really like him, just like he likes him.

"Izuku Midoriya."

"Well, I hope everything goes well fo the two of you." Tokoyami smiled and Todoroki smiled back. It felt nice to say these things out loud. It's not like he could go around saying it. His father would be furious. He trusts Tokoyami.

"Shouto, you are up."

"Well, talk to you later."


Izuku bid goodbye to the lady seated at the front desk. Bakugou sighed as he walked out of the building, folders in his hands. Midoriya ran to his side smiling widely. Bakugou glanced at him and just sighed louder.

"Okay. What was wrong with this one?" Midoriya said, he was clearly annoyed with Bakugou's attitude. "Did they "not appreciate" your talents? Or what?"

"... Yes, they didn't." Midoriya groaned, dragging his hands down his face. Bakugou only huffed and continued to walk.

"Kacchan. Listen, you won't find a job if you keep acting like this. I know you get upset when others tell you what to do, but that's their job. Your job is to listen and do as they say, I know you don't like it and it's hard. Still, it's the only way for you to gain money to live. So please Kacchan. Understand."

Bakugou sighed before he looked at the shorter boy beside him. He knew he was right. Of course he was right.

Bakugou should just deal with it and let people do their job and he'll do his. He knew this, but the thought of having someone above him and ordering him made his blood boil. He hated it.

Still, what could he do? How else would he earn money? How else could he manage to take care of Kirishima? He wants to be there to help the boy, even if he had all the riches in the world. He wants to be stable enough to give him love and everything else he deserves. He doesn't have a degree in anything and has no great accomplishments. His options were limited. A decent paying job or nothing.

"Fine. I guess I have no other choice." Bakugou finally accepted it. Izuku smiled and pulled Bakugou down in a weird side hug. "Hey! Stop it! It's uncomfortable!"

Izuku let out a huge sigh as he locked the door behind him, immediately running to the sofa. His body instantly collided with the cushions and he felt his whole body relax. Nothing felt better than being at home.

Not to long after when he was making dinner the door flew open and in came Todoroki. Izuku smiled widely and he ran towards the taller male. Todoroki opened his arms and in came Izuku, holding his close.

Todoroki smiled and held Izuku closer, his face in the boy's damp green hair. It smelled of strawberry and shampoo. Todoroki sighed as he left safe close to the smaller male. Hands on his back, rubbing it so gently.

Izuku was smiling like an idiot, face in the chest of the taller one. He felt so happy, it was crazy how a simple hug could hold so much meaning. It made his body feel free, and his heart to pound like crazy. Nothing ever felt so right in his life.

It felt like everything was going to be alright.



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