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"That will be 7.35" Midoriya got his wallet ready, already opening it but before he could hand her the money, a hand was placed over his own.

"Here you go." Midoriya looked up to see Todoroki giving money, the lady smiled before taking it.
Todoroki looked back to him, his face was as calm as always.
"What's with that face?"

Midoriya jumped a little when he realized his mouth was hung open, the entire time. He felt his face warm up, quickly waving his hands in front of his face.
He turned more red once he heard a small chuckle come from Todoroki.

"Oh my- I'm so s-sorry it's just- you surprised me and y'know I was about to pay with my own money but then you placed your hand and-" Todoroki laughed "Your mumbling again."

His face grew more hot, by this point he became an oven. Not just from embarrassment but from Todoroki's reactions.
They seemed so genuine, his laughs so soft and calming. There was no way he couldn't fall even more for the guy before him.

"I'm sorry." Midoriya said before covering his face in his hands. Todoroki didn't say anything, grabbing the four hotdogs from the stand. Midoriya slowly followed as he began to walk towards a table.

"I don't mind it." Todoroki said as they sat down. If Midoriya wasn't so red before, now he was a literal apple. "It's cute."

His heart wouldn't stop pounding fast in his chest. His eyes never left Todoroki's. It was as if everything and everyone disappeared but them. A dream like feeling.

"Hey, are you sick? Your face is getting very red." Todoroki asked, bringing the boy back to reality. He quickly denied.

"What? No, I'm okay. Just feeling a bit hot is all." He said, chuckling awkwardly.
"Anyway, I wonder where Kacchan and Kirishima went. It's been a while."

Todoroki nodded in agreement. The two boys have been gone for quite a while. While Todoroki and Midoriya had fun looking around and playing some games, the missing boys were never seen.

"Do you think they went home?" Midoriya asked, almost worried. Todoroki was quick to change the topic.

"Probably. I'm sure they are fine. Let's eat." He grabbed one of the hotdogs. Midoriya sighed before reaching out for his own.

"So, how are things going with.. y'know.." Midoriya said quietly. Todoroki understood.

"The manager? Decent, I guess." He said before taking a bite. Midoriya just hummed, urging him to continue. "I haven't necessarily talked to him, so things are going better than expected. I just hope I don't run into him anytime soon."

"Well, that's good to hear!" Midoriya says cheerfully making Todoroki smile slightly.

"What about things with you and the situation." He asked. Midoriya obviously got taken aback.

"I'm still very far from knowing the truth, we can only hope for the best when the hospital calls." He said but somehow he continued to smile.

"I know you'll figure it out. I'll be here if you need anything." Midoriya's smile only grew upon hearing those soft words.

"Thank you. A-and I wanted to apologize after what happened the other-" "Hey, guys!"

They turned to see Kirishima and Bakugou walking up to them. The redhead smiled, waving a hand. Bakugou just stayed quiet.

"We thought you went home." Todoroki said, giving a small wave to Kirishima. Midoriya nodded.

"Well we didn't, so shut up." Bakugou said before walking towards the table and taking one of the hotdogs, adding hot sauce to it. Todoroki nodded and turned to finish his own.

"Yay, hotdogs!" Kirishima cheered, taking one and adding ketchup, shoving it into his mouth. Midoriya couldn't help but notice something different about the way he was acting.
He shrugged it off when he saw the smile on Kirishima's face.

"We should get going after this, it's getting late." Todoroki suggested. Soon after they all agreed and made their way out.
Side by side they walked together on the street, occasionally making conversation. Some yelling, and laughing filled the dark sky.

They all felt at peace. For once, all they thought about was now. In this moment. Not having to worry about the future or the past. Nor the problems they still had to solve. Everything seemed so easy and unimportant. Being around each other changed everything.

They felt at home.

Short but sweet!
Happy valentine's day btw!
If you don't have a valentine, don't worry because you have me!!
Love you guys♡

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