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So My Hero Academia season 4 episode 1 came out and I actually cried. It was so pure and wholesome! I can't wait for the next episode.
I have read the manga so I'm also hurting inside. :,)

Todoroki sat down, giving Midoriya a little wave. He knew that Midoriya was probably worried about leaving them alone. So he did his best to keep Bakugou calm. Well, as calm as Bakugou can get.

Midoriya let out a sigh of relief. None of them looked as if they just got punched, and that is a good sign. He was kinda expecting an angry Kacchan to appear. Yet, Bakugou did look natural. His usual grouchy self.

"Do you guys want anything?" Kirishima asks no one in particular. He raises a hand to the waiter. She notices him and begins to walk towards them.

"Tch. I don't." Bakugou said. His voiced a bit low.
All Todoroki does is nod.

"Hello. What would you like?" The lady asks as she stands with a little notebook in hand.

"One black coffee, please." Todoroki says. Earning a scoff from Bakugou. But he continues. "Also, could you please make it lukewarm. Half cold, half hot."

Kirishima and Midoriya giggle. Bakugou groaned.
The lady stays quiet for a bit before nodding her head.

"Of course. Anything else?" She asks while she writes down his order.

"An espresso, please." Kirishima pokes in. She nodded once again.

"Your order will be ready soon." She says before walking away.

"Kirishima. I thought you liked lattes?" Midoriya asks. This makes Kirishima a bit stiff.

"Yeah, I do." He laughs. "It ain't for me."

They all give him different looks. Kirishima just smiles back. Then he looks out the window for a brief moment. His smile drops.

"Hm? What's wrong?" Todoroki asks as he sees the way Kirishima tenses up, his breathing becomes heavy.
But Kirishima doesn't respond.

Now all of them are looking at him confused and concerned. Even Bakugou who has just met him.

"Shitty hair." Bakugou slightly punches his arm. He was kinda forced to sit next to him. Not wanting to sit close to Midoriya. "You there, idiot?"

Kirishima just continues to look out the window. He shrinks in his seat. Getting fairly close to Bakugou.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" Bakugou says before moving his head, trying to get a better view. Just then Kirishima jumps and turns his head around. His face was now really close to Bakugou's. There noses touching slightly.

They stay like that for a moment before Bakugou finally realizes and pushes him away. His face is a bit red and he is clearly angry.

"What the fuck?!" Bakugou yells.

"Fuck. I'm sorry! I-it's just... never mind." Kirishima says and gets up.

"No! What the hell where you looking at?!" Bakugou yells out grabbing everyone's attention.

"Is something wrong?" Todoroki says, eyes fixed on Kirishima. "Are they? Already?"

Kirishima stiffens. He looks like he's about to cry.

"Y-yeah." Kirishima sighed. Todoroki nodded his head.

"What?" Midoriya asks completely confused.

"I need to go." Kirishima says and quickly grabbed his jacket. He is about to leave but Bakugou grabbed on to him.

"No fucking way! You have to fucking explain!" He says, anger filling his every word.


"I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You are being disruptive. Please take this elsewhere." The same lady from before says.

"Yes. I'm sorry."Kirishima says and he walks off. Bakugou by now was letting off steam like a kettle.

"Fucking." Bakugou growls. Staying seated.

Todoroki and Midoriya apologize to the lady.

"I'm going to try to talk to Kirishima." Midoriya says getting up.

"Same." Todoroki says, following Midoriya.

"I don't fucking care." Bakugou mutters. So Todoroki walks away.

Outside there is no sign of Kirishima.

"Um, Todoroki." Midoriya says stopping them from going inside.

"Yeah?" Todoroki asks. Midoriya looks up at him.

"I'm so sorry. I know this isn't the moment but, I can't but feel guilty. Now that Kirishima is staying at your house, I think I should leave." Todoroki is slightly taken aback.

"I just feel like me being there will be a disturbance. You two have known each other for so long. His problems are probably way bigger than mine. So I don't-"

"No."Todoroki says boldly. "Midoriya. You are just as important as Kirishima. Sure, we have know each other longer but that doesn't really matter. What matters is our bond. You are someone I care for and I will help. So don't think things like that. Stay until you are completely ready to move forward on your own."

Midoriya sighs. He knows Todoroki would never let him leave right now. It has just been a day. He hasn't accomplished anything. Hasn't even got a job. How could he possibly go on alone at his state. He needs help and he accepts it. When he is ready, he will leave.

Thinking about how such a good friend Todoroki is, makes some thing inside of Midoriya's chest tighten. Midoriya shrugs it off.

"Thank you, Todoroki-kun."

This chapter is a mess. I know this is a Tododeku book but I just can't help adding some spice with my other precious boys.

Anyway, just to clear things out a bit.

Midoriya still hasn't realized his feeling for Todoroki. Yet they still grow.

Todoroki is trying to not focus on his newfound crush. He only has time to help others.

Can you guess why Kirishima is acting like this??

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